Regular Board Meeting

Monday, December 11, 2023  7:00 P.M.

Orfordville Village Hall

Main Board Room



                President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Present were President Burtness, Beth Schmidt, Nikki Tuffree, Terry Gerber, and Jason Knox.   Also present were Paul Latjer, Nick Howard, Darla Grenawalt, Librarian Sarah Strunz,  Chief Jeremiah Burdick, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege.  Absent was Cami Myers-Alstat.


                Clerk Waege verified that on December 8, 2023, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; posted at the Village Hall, Library, and the Orfordville Post Office.  There were no additions made to the agenda.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of November 27, 2023 and December 4, 2023.   Motion carried.


                Paul Latjer of 108 S. Center Street was present and explained that he is a new resident and in violation of Village Ordinance 240-27 which prohibits Latjer from living within 1000 feet of a school.  Latjer explained that he is 867 feet from the school.  Latjer explained that he has two daughters so understands why the ordinance is in place.  Latjer further explained that his offense was over ten years ago, he is a former Cub Scout, Blood Donor, and has been an electrician for ten years.  Latjer added that he worked hard to be able to purchase his home and would like more time to resolve the issue.  Latjer added that he has an attorney working to resolve his record from ten years ago.   President Burtness appreciated the explanation and will look into it.


                2022 Fire Referendum Money.  President Burtness explained that the Fire Department Referendum to pay for additional staffing passed in 2022 with a vote of 391-221.  President Burtness added that only four of the five municipalities approved money to pay for the additional staffing.  The Town of Newark did not approve the additional expense and has since given notice that they will be leaving the district at the end of the year.  The notice was given in October, which caused a delay in hiring additional people, so the money from 2022 taxes has not been used.  

                President Burtness explained that the Fire Department can now move forward with hiring additional staff, Chief Ryan Perkins is now a full time Chief, pay for the volunteers has been increased which has provided additional coverage for calls.  President Burtness further explained that he would like to keep the money in a separate account so it can be used for future payroll expenses as they increase down the road.   President Burtness explained that he has talked to many residents since the last meeting and all of them said to keep the money as long as it is used for what it was approved for.  President Burtness further explained that refunding the money may cause confusion as to why it wasn’t used, and why we are still charging it moving forward after refunding it.

                Gerber explained that he is ok with keeping it as long as it will be used for what it was intended.

                Schmidt explained that she has never had anyone question it.  Schmidt explained that she has been to several local events this year with the presence of the fire department, and nobody has ever approached her about the money.  Schmidt agreed that Knox had a good argument last meeting; however, she feels refunding the money while continuing to charge it moving forward would cause confusion.  Schmidt added that she worked at the Fall Fest Event which was a benefit for the Fire Department, and many people were there to donate and give additional money to the Fire Department.

                Tuffree asked if we could reduce the levy by moving forward a little each year, and use some of that money for the fire department portion of the year.  Clerk Waege explained that that may be a hard commitment to maintain due to boards changing in the future.   Tuffree added that she likes the idea of refunding the money; however, she has not had any residents contact her about it.

                Schmidt explained that if we refund the money and not charge it in the future, we would have to go back again for a referendum which may not pass.

                Knox asked what portion of the fire budget is for payroll, as the people voted for it for personnel.     President Burtness explained that he talked to several people since the last meeting and not one of them mentioned personnel.  Knox explained that he has had a lot of people approach him  that said they wanted it only for personnel.

                Clerk Waege explained that she had two calls earlier in the year.  Clerk Waege further added that both of those people receive the minutes and agenda and are not in attendance.  

                Darla Grenawalt of 610 E. Church Street was the only citizen present for this topic.   Grenawalt explained that she voted for the referendum and is fine with the Village keeping the money for its intended use.    Grenawalt explained that refunding it could cause confusion and an uproar, due to the Village still charging it moving forward.   Knox explained that the charge is not listed separately on the tax bill.   Grenawalt explained that the timing of the referendum was the same as the school referendum that did not pass.  Grenawalt felt it could cause negativity to the Village as people may have voted for it instead of the school, and now the money is being given back.

                President Burtness agreed as he had one person state that it could create confusion as the money would be given back, and then continued to be charged.  President Burtness explained that regardless of what gets approved tonight, a letter will be sent out with the tax bills explaining the situation.

                Tuffree explained that the future payroll needs are unknown at this time.  Tuffree added that the Village Budget is a struggle every year, and it would be nice to have that money to aid in the fire department payroll increases moving forward.

                Grenawalt added that she is ok with whatever is decided, but feels it is bad practice to ask for it, return it, and continue to ask for it.  Grenawalt added that there are always going to be staff expenses for the fire department.

                Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Tuffree to deposit the money into a separate account for future personnel of the Orfordville Fire Protection  District.  Roll Call Vote:  Schmidt, Tuffree, Gerber, and President Burtness-YES, Knox -NO.  Motion carried.


                President Burtness opened the Budget Public Hearing at 7:32 p.m.   There was no input from residents for the 2024 Budget.  Clerk Waege explained that she received an email last week from the Humane Society with a new contract including a $500.00 increase.  Tuffree volunteered to have the money taken from the Community Engagement Committee account, as they have the ability to see if they can make it up via donations.  Clerk Waege will make the change.


                President Burtness closed the Budget Public Hearing at 7:40 p.m.

                2024 General Fund Budget.  Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to approve the 2024 General Fund Budget for $1,710,935.00.  Roll Call Vote- Schmidt, Tuffree, Gerber, and President Burtness-YES,  Knox-NO.   Motion carried.

                2024 Tax Levy.  Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to set the 2024 Tax Levy for 941,767.00.  Roll Call Vote- Schmidt, Tuffree, Gerber, and President Burtness-YES, Knox-NO.  Motion carried.


                Trustee Vacancy.  President Burtness recommend Nick Howard to fill the vacant trustee position.  Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to appoint Nick Howard to fill the vacant trustee position due to the resignation of Chuck Boyce.  Motion carried.

                Oath of Office for Nick Howard.  Nick Howard was sworn in by Clerk Waege.

                “Class B Liquor License” for Sam Mazzarisi for 214 Viking Drive.   Clerk Waege explained that Mazzarisi was given an extension to the end of December.  The new buyer is not going to open until the end of February.  Clerk Waege explained that if the license expires, it’s status changes to a reserve license, a reserve license costs $10,000.00 to bring out of reserve status.    Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to extend the “Class B Liquor License” for Sam Mazzarisi at 214 Viking Drive until March 26, 2024.  Motion carried.

                R-2023-08 Wage Resolution.  Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to approve Resolution R-2023-08 setting the 2024 wages.  Motion carried.

                R-2023-09 Election Board.   Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to approve Resolution R-2023-09 setting the 2024-2025 Election Board.  Motion carried.

                Lucida Audit Contract.  Clerk Waege explained that the audit contract has a large increase.  Clerk Waege further explained that she spoke with the former Auditor who felt it was a large increase, but still in a good price range compared to other firms.   Clerk Waege further added that she spoke with the Clerks from Albany and Magnolia, who also checked around and were told the same thing.   Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to approve the three year audit contract with Lucida.  Motion carried.


                Schmidt explained that a large donation is being given to the library to replace the roof next year.  President Burtness explained that Brian Bowditch of Burtness Chevrolet offered to purchase the materials for the roof, Bowditch also was able to get Eric Tway from Rhino Exteriors to donate their labor to do the work.   Strunz was present and very appreciative of the donation.   President Burtness further explained that the budgeted money for the library roof improvements can now be used to replace the aging furnaces.

                Motion by Knox, seconded by Schmidt to approve the Department Head Reports.   Motion carried.


                Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Knox to approve the vouchers with a check range of 36460-36490.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to adjourn at 7:58 p.m.  Motion carried.



                                                                                                                                Submitted by,


                                                                                                                                Dennis Burtness

                                                                                                                                Village President


                                                                                                                                Sherri Waege

                                                                                                                                Village Clerk







Sherri Waege