Regular Board Meeting

Monday, March 14, 2022  7:00 P.M.

Orfordville, WI  53576

Main Board Room

Revised Minutes



                President Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Present were President Phillips, Tina Suiter-Meyers, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers-Alstat, Terry Gerber, Nikki Tuffree, and Jason Knox.  Also present were Attorney Tim Lindau,  Kris Johnson, Chuck Boyce, Shawna Marsch from the Village of Footville, Brett Sagen, Scott Anderson, David Giddley, George Maas, Fred Carr, Tim Bremel, Librarian Sarah Strunz, Officer Jeremiah Burdick, Officer O’Malley Lomax,  DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege.   There were other citizens present that did not address the Village Board.


                Clerk Waege verified that on March 12, 2022, copies of the revised agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Library, Village Hall, Orfordville Post Office, and posted on the Village Website.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2022 rescheduled Regular Board Meeting and Special Board Meeting of March 10, 2022.  Motion carried.


                Kris Johnson of 313 N. Main Street was present and explained that people are upset about the Chief leaving.   Johnson explained that the people would like to hear the other side as the goal is to learn where this situation went sideways so it doesn’t happen again.  Johnson further added that he is not asking for information that would have been in closed session, rather he would like to be enlightened on the general operation difficulties that lead to the Chief resigning.   Johnson would like to have a general discussion as to why the Chief resigned  as it is a big loss for the Village.  Johnson further added that the citizens really loved him and feel it is a tragedy that he is gone.

                Attorney Lindau explained that he is going to explain the ground rules for the  Citizen participation in the meeting.   Attorney Lindau thanked Johnson for his cordial way of bringing the subject up.  Attorney Lindau explained that the Village Board does not have to have Citizen Participation on the agenda; however, has always elected to do so.  Attorney Lindau further explained that Citizens Wishing to be Heard is not intended to be a question-and-answer session between the citizens and the Village Board; however, the citizens are free to offer their comments.

                Johnson asked where there would be a situation when the citizens could ask their questions.   Attorney Lindau explained that he is unsure of when and if that will happen.  Attorney Lindau further explained that this board is there to address the items that are listed for action at the meeting.   Attorney Lindau added that it is not a showing of disrespect.   The Village Board thanked Johnson for his input.

                Chuck Boyce of 115 N. Main Street was present to explain that the Village Board knows why he is there, he is running for Village Board anyway, and that this is not personal-except for the fact that Brian Raupp is a friend of his.  Boyce explained that he saw that Raupp put in his resignation, and he thought maybe that would be happening down the road.    Boyce explained that he wanted to run again to protect that from happening because he is a beloved member of the village.  Boyce further explained that he is extremely disappointed that Raupp had the vision that he could not get anything done or any cooperation from the Village Board. Boyce explained that the Chief was micromanaged by having to review time cards, staffing, and why people were leaving early.  Boyce added that he has never seen the village board do that with any other department head.  Boyce further added that that is what department heads do and if they can’t be trusted to run their department, they shouldn’t have been picked to begin with.  Boyce acknowledged that he is aware that there is another side of the story as he has been hearing about it for two months now.  Boyce expressed his complete and utter disappointment in with what happened with Brian,  as there are a lot of words being thrown out there about being railroaded and black listed, etc.   Boyce added that we will find that out in the months and years ahead, exactly what was going on because this is just the first step,  if he gets back on the board he will be asking a lot of questions.  Boyce explained that he is sorry that it has come to this: social media is a powerful thing with people reading that our chief of police, whom everybody loves, including most of the board, just up and quit is not acceptable. Boyce closed by saying he is looking forward to what the Village Board has to say as it will come out one way or another.  The Village Board thanked Boyce for his input.

                Shawna Marsh, the Clerk Treasurer from the Village of Footville introduced herself.    Marsh explained that they contract with the Village and pay $60,000.00 a year for services.  Marsh advised the board that Chief Raupp gave them his resignation on March 10th, it is now Monday evening March 14th and she has not heard from anyone from the Village of Orfordville and neither has their Board President regarding any of this officially.  Attorney Lindau explained that his firm represents Footville as well.  Marsh explained that they were very upset to hear about the Chief’s departure, they were very happy with his services and leadership.  Marsh added that she does not know what happened but felt that there needs to be a lot of reflection from the board on their behavior and what happened. Marsh explained that her board is not happy at all, they are asking what is going on, and she has nothing to tell them because nobody has heard from anyone.  The Village Board thanked Marsh for her input.

                Brett Sagen of 210 N. Mowe Street was present to explain that he grew up in this town when you didn’t lock doors and when people took the time to stop and shake hands with someone as they had respect for someone, and that this was the kind of man that Brian Raupp was.  Sagen further explained that we have watched a good civil servant and a good man be micromanaged and disrespected and as a result his family has been put through hell.  Sagen explained that all of us have made mistakes, himself included for which he was held accountable.  Sagen explained that he has seen a good man who has always taken the time to stop and shake his hand, despite his misgivings, go through what he has and is asking that those responsible be held accountable.   Sagen continued that based on these actions our Village once again faces division, mistrust,  lack of confidence in the leadership, and cannot personally stand by and watch this happen to a good man who is gone far beyond the call of duty to serve and protect the people of this town.  The Village Board thanked Sagen for his input.

                Scott Anderson of 406 Teri Lee Lane moved here with his family last year and appreciates everyone welcoming him with open arms.  Anderson explained that some of the things that he is hearing are distressing and is aware that Mr. Phillips is talking to other members of his neighborhood and the attorney in regards to what is happening in their neighborhood.  Anderson added that he has not heard back from Phillips or the attorney regarding how things are going in his neighborhood.  Anderson explained that the things that are being said on social media are very powerful and disturbing.  Anderson wanted to know, since they were encouraged to ask questions, when he would be able to participate in a meeting that directly addresses the economic development of the city so they can ask questions.  Trustee Myers-Alstat explained that Economic Development meetings are open to the public, we had one tonight at 6:00 p.m. and the schedule is being added to calendar based on feedback  from the public.   Anderson thanked Myers-Alstat.  Anderson asked if there is anything yet from the attorney regarding inspections going on in their homes.  President Phillips explained that that is not on the agenda for this meeting and that he was more than willing to have Anderson give him a call.  Anderson explained that he appreciated that and that the paper he has says that they can ask questions.    President Phillips asked what he had that said he could ask questions. Anderson explained that it was the flyer on the table next to the agendas.   President Phillips explained that that flyer was not put there by the Village.  The Village Board thanked Anderson for his input.

                David Giddley of 404 W. Beloit Street was present and explained that he just received his new hearing aids and apologizes for not talking loud enough or too loud.   Giddley  explained that he has been hearing everything that has been going on and it is not a good situation.  Giddley explained that he felt someone was not doing their job  and that person was right there.    Giddley added that they are not doing their job if they let a situation go like this, and that they have a little support from everyone else as it isn’t’ just the one person as it never is.  Giddley explained that he knows because he has been through it.  Giddley would like to have a Police Commission put back on as then there is a buffer between the board and the police department. Giddley explained that was a good thing when we had it, and it was hard getting people to serve on it.  Giddley advised the board that he was a member of that, it was a good thing, and it should be put back-that way the Village Board doesn’t have full control as the Police Commission is in the middle.  Giddley added that the village already let one good cop get away from her a while ago and that was Nate Olson, we let him go, and he could still be here as Chief.   Giddley felt that Olson would have been an outstanding chief.   Giddley explained that we are in the process of letting another guy go that was just as good as Olson.  Giddley further explained that this is wrong, he does not know what is behind it, but has a pretty good idea.   Giddley requested that an independent investigation one on one,  be done on every board member and all the other employees.  Giddley felt an independent investigator could come up with a report on what is wrong as there is something wrong here.  The Village Board thanked Giddley for his input.  Giddley added that the sooner we could have another meeting involving this subject only, the better.  Giddley added that he would like it the following night.

                George Maas of 209 N. Main Street  was present and would like to have everyone on the board reach out to Chief Raupp to see if he would reconsider.  Maas explained that this is a loss for Orfordville, regardless of if someone has an ax to grind between the board and the police department.   Maas explained that he agrees with Mr. Giddley about reinstating a Police Board, he is an ex cop , and would serve on the board.  Maas further added that the Village Board has to make an effort and this is a huge loss for the village.  The Village Board thanked Maas for his input.

                Fred Carr of 313 Willow Street advised those present that his day time job is at the other end of Brian’s career, he is  a Dispatcher and gets to tell Chief Raupp where to go. Carr added that he felt the board was sadly mistaken if they are happy to see the Chief go, and we should try to get him back, if that is not the case we need to work hard to see what we are going to do in the future.  Carr is appreciative that his house is well protected, and was concerned that we would have to wait 20 to 30 minutes for an officer to come which is a long time.  Carr felt we need to look hard at what happened so we can prevent it from happening in the future. Carr explained that our small town police department was checking his home while he was on vacation everyday, the Chief called him  while he was on a mountain in Colorado to let him know that a door was a little loose and what could he do to fix it.    Carr further explained that those are the kind of people that we need. Carr explained that we can’t rely on the Sheriffs Department as they are busy enough, there are not enough of them around, and that they are not hanging around in Orfordville on a Sunday at three in the morning.  Carr added that his taxes have gone up $1,800.00 since he bought his house and is willing to do what we need to do to support a full time department that has people here that do not feel that they are being thrown under the rug.  Carr added that we have to look long and hard at what we spent on the sewer treatment plant and everything else, and you will be glad that you spent the $100  when your taxes go up when you need an officer.  The Village Board thanked Carr for his input. 

                Tim Bremel of 208 N. Mowe Street was present and explained that it is hard for the village residents to know the back story on these kind of things, whether we go into closed session and discuss things that they don’t’ know about, the residents see the front end.  Bremel asked if the board was willing to be transparent enough to tell them what the issues are that would make Brian pull his hair out enough to resign and move on, rather than trying to  retain him.  Bremel explained that they need to know what that is.   Bremel further explained that the board are the leaders of the community that are elected , but remarkable leaders don’t’ stampede over someone to get something done, rather remarkable leaders should get the community to follow and right now this community is not following.   Bremel felt that the board needs to make every opportunity to make that happen.   Bremel added that ultimately, this very small board is not popular with a lot of it’s residents.   Bremel explained that although this was not the boards decision, the ancillary evidence hints that there was no effort made to work out the issue.  Bremel added that he does not know if there is an agenda behind it but knows it is a loss for Orfordville.   Bremel hoped that the board could do whatever they could do to get Raupp to reconsider.


                Liquor License for 616 W. Beloit Street.  No action was taken as the item was approved on March 10, 2022 at a Special Board Meeting to accommodate the business property closing. 

                January Treasurer Report.  Knox asked what the CDBG check was for.  Clerk Waege explained that it was a check for a Community Development Block Grant for a housing loan that was paid off and is now due to the State.  Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to approve the January Treasurer Report.  Motion carried.


                Operator License.  Motion by Myers-Alstat, seconded by Schmidt to accept the Police Committee recommendation to approve an Operator License for Candace Runaas to expire June 30, 2022.  Motion carried.

                Lions Club Request for Alcohol at Purdy Park.   President Phillips explained that the Lions Club was not present and would like the item tabled.  Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to table to March 28, 2022.  Motion carried.

                New Pavilion at Haugen Park.   DPW Director Todd explained the bid for $5,859.00 from Orfordville Lumber.  DPW Director Todd further explained that Orfordville Lumber has generously provided the materials at cost.  DPW  Director Todd advised the board that the money is budgeted.  Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Gerber to approve the bid for a new pavilion at Haugen Park from Orfordville Lumber for $5,859.00.  Motion carried.

                Resignation of Chief Brian Raupp.  President Phillips explained that Chief Raupp tended his resignation as Police Chief.   President Phillips explained that we are grateful for his dedicated service to the Village over the last number of years and wish him nothing but the best in the future.  President Phillips explained that there were some issues that we had and that he spoke to the Chief. Phillips explained that he wanted to put everything on the table for discussion at the February Police Committee meeting.  President Phillips added that he asked Chief Raupp to bring what he had, Phillips would do the same so it could all be discussed.  President Phillips explained that it was a very good meeting, so much so that Chief Raupp shook his hand and said this is what we needed. President Phillips felt that things were going to start moving forward again, then the minutes came out and they were torn down.   President Phillips explained that Chief Raupp sent the same message to the attorney that the meeting was good; however, something changed between the meeting and when the minutes came out.  President Phillips again wished Chief Raupp nothing but the best and that we will have to move forward. 

                Knox explained that he is concerned moving forward with having a new Chief, or if Jeremiah Burdick becomes Chief, finding  a police officer to fill  the spot regardless.  Knox explained that he talked to the Chief several times after meetings and knew he was frustrated; however, he did not know it was to this point.  Knox added that the resignation caught him off guard.   Knox explained that from what he has heard, what the chief has told him, what President Phillips has told him, and from what he has seen at different meetings; he is concerned that we are not just going to be able to find another police officer for either position now that we have micromanaged that department.   Knox explained, like what Boyce brought up, why at the committee level are we doing time cards?   Knox felt that is not what the committee is there for in his opinion.  Knox further explained that now we have all this stuff on Facebook, all this stuff in meetings, out of meetings, and behind the meetings, police officers are not beating down the doors to find jobs right now and definitely not beating down our door to find a job.  Knox added that he is seriously concerned with this.   Knox added that if this started from a disorderly conduct, he does not understand it.    President Phillips explained that we put everything out on the table at the February meeting and he thought we were good.  Knox explained that he heard that and that the minutes did not reflect what the meeting was.  Knox added that he was not able to attend that meeting but wished that he was there.   President Phillips explained that he wished that Knox was able to attend too as everyone that was at that meeting, including the attorney,  said that the minutes were  accurate.  Schmidt added that they were accurate.  Schmidt explained that she thought everything was grand after he left, we were all on the same page, and all good.  Tuffree added that she thought the same as he was smiling and shaking President Phillips hand.   Schmidt explained that Tina Suiter-Meyers, Terry Gerber, and Attorney Oellerich were all there as well.   Schmidt added that she was not expecting the resignation because she thought we were good.

                Myers-Alstat explained that she definitely understands everyone’s concerns as she feels the Chief has gone above and beyond by going to the schools having lunch with the kids, created the contract with Footville, and has done a wonderful job.  Myers-Alstat said she felt that a lot of those in attendance were here hoping we could bring the Chief back but is not sure if that is a possibility at this time, as she is not sure that is what the Chief wants.   Myers-Alstat explained that she understands as the Chief waves at everyone, makes them feel at home, and makes Orfordville feel like a small town community.   Myers-Alstat added that the chief was available if you had a question, you could flag him down and he would help you.  Myers-Alstat explained that she understands why everyone is sad, and feels that she can speak for the whole board that they are sorry to see him go.

                Schmidt explained that she would like to clarify that the Chief submitted his resignation after the meeting was adjourned.   Schmidt explained that we can’t accept it officially until tonight as the meeting was over.   Schmidt further explained that she understands that there were pictures and videos of that meeting posted.   Schmidt said people were told that nothing was said when he turned in his resignation.  Schmidt explained that that was not true, she thanked him right there in that moment  for all of his community service and all of the community events.  Schmidt further explained that she is involved in a lot of those events so she knows his involvement. 

                President Phillips explained that he heard that Chief Raupp was upset about the minutes being inaccurate.   President Phillips further explained that Chief Raupp had an opportunity to question the minutes at the Police Committee Meeting on March 10th , or to request a correction, and he did not say anything.   Tuffree explained that Chief Raupp is aware of the process as he requested a change at the previous meeting.

                Tuffree explained that she has lived here for four years and oversees the Block Party and Movies in the Park.  Tuffree further explained that Chief Raupp worked at the special events and always brought an extra piece to the events.  Tuffree added that she doesn’t voice these issues on Facebook but does hear what is being said.

                Gerber explained that he has lived here for 30 years and is on the board because he cares.  Gerber added that he served two terms on the Parkview School Board during a difficult time as it was when the decision was made to close Newark and build a new school.   Gerber explained that he got on the village board when there was an opening so his voice could be heard.  Gerber added that to say that the board did not care about Chief Raupp is wrong and that we were caught off guard with his resignation.  Gerber explained that he too thought everything was good and to hear that he has his own agenda is crap.

                Schmidt explained that she has worked hard on Economic Development for seven years.  Schmidt further explained that in her ten years, nobody ever comes to the meetings.  Schmidt further explained that her phone number is on the website and available to the public. Schmidt added that not one person has contacted her regarding Chief Raupp, rather they chose to be vocal on Facebook.  Schmidt was glad that they were in attendance and encouraged them to attend for good reasons as well.

                No action was taken.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to approve the Department Head Reports.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to approve the vouchers for $109,155.57 with a check range of 34196—34252.


                President Phillips explained that the board would not be going into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85(c) to discuss the Police Chief.


                Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.  Motion carried.



                                                                                                                                Submitted by,


                                                                                                                                Gary Phillips

                                                                                                                                Village President


                                                                                                                                Sherri Waege

                                                                                                                                Village Clerk









Sherri Waege