Special Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 7:30 P.M.
Orfordville Village Hall
Main Board Room
President Gary Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were President Phillips, Beth Schmidt, Chuck Boyce, Terry Gerber, Nikki Tuffree, and Jason Knox. Also present were Clerk Sherri Waege and Paul Hickman.
Clerk Waege verified that on April 11, 2019, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, and the Farmers & Merchant’s Bank. There were no additions made to the agenda.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to go into closed session at 7:32 p.m. pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85(1)(e) to deliberate or negotiate the purchasing of public property, the investing of public funds, or to conduct other specified public business whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session-specifically to review an Offer to Purchase for Lot 1 of the Business Industrial Park; and pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85(1)(c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility-specifically to review the appointment from the Village President for a new Public Works Director-Roll Call Vote- Schmidt, Boyce, Gerber, Tuffree, Knox, and President Phillips-all YES. Motion carried.
Reconvene. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to reconvene into open session at 8:52 p.m. Roll Call Vote- Schmidt, Boyce, Gerber, Tuffree, Knox, and President Phillips-all YES. Motion carried
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to counter the offer on Lot 1 of the Business Park contingent on approval of the use at the Planning Commission, Business Park Committee, Village Board, and approval of a Developers Agreement. Motion carried.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Boyce to accept Village President Phillips recommendation to hire Nicholas Todd as the full time Public Works Director with a starting wage of $60,000.00. Roll Call Vote-Schmidt, Boyce, Gerber, Tuffree, and Knox-YES, President Phillips-ABSTAIN. Motion carried.
Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to adjourn at 8:59 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Gary Phillips
Sherri Waege
Village Clerk