

Regular Board Meeting

Monday, September 23, 2019  7:00 P.M.

Orfordville Village Hall

Main Board Room



                President Gary Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Present were President Phillips, Tina Suiter Meyers, Beth Schmidt, Chuck Boyce, Terry Gerber, Nikki Tuffree, and Jason Knox.  Also present were Deb Johnson, Frank Tilleson, David Olsen, Kevin Wellnitz, Nick Todd, Chief Brian Raupp, and Clerk Sherri Waege.


                Clerk Waege verified that on September 20, 2019, copies of the revised agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, and the Farmers & Merchant’s Bank. There were no additions made to the agenda.


                Motion by Knox, seconded by Boyce to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of September 9, 2019 and Special Board Meeting of September 16, 2019.  Motion carried.


                Deb Johnson of 313 N. Main Street was present and explained that they are having traffic problems on N. Main Street again.   Johnson explained that many of the residents are not happy about the speeding and that it is worse in the mornings and afternoons now that school has started.  Johnson further explained that the kids are having a hard time getting across the street on their way to and from school. Johnson would like stop signs on N. Main Street because it is not safe and the speeding has gotten worse.

                Chief Raupp explained that they have not received many complaints in regards to speeding on N. Main Street lately; however, there have been complaints on other streets in town.  Chief Raupp will have the department target N. Main Street again.   Chief Raupp explained that they are looking into putting flashing lights in the crosswalk area of E. Church Street and N. Main Street.

                President Phillips suggested that the item be placed on the Police Committee agenda for discussion.


                President Phillips explained that the UW Milwaukee students have been in town three times working on their project with the Village.   President Phillips further explained that they will be back in October with a draft of their findings from interviews with business owners and residents.   President Phillips further added that the students will host an open house in December with a full scale model of what they see in the future.   The open house will be open to the public.

                President Phillips explained that Chief Raupp, Nick Todd, and himself attended the third meeting on June Days for 2020.  President Phillips added that the discussion is farther down on tonight’s agenda.




                Operator Licenses.  Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to accept the Police Committee recommendation to approve Operator Licenses to expire June 30, 2020 for Joseph Collins, Donald Cox, and Sayge Haskins.  Motion carried.

                Street Closure for Sather’s Customer Appreciation Event.  Kevin Wellnitz was present to request a portion of W. Brodhead Street be closed for his annual Customer Appreciation Event on Sunday, September 29, 2019.   Wellnitz requested that the first block from the intersection of Highway 213 to the intersection of Clark Street be closed from 8:00 a.m.to 11:00 a.m. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Suiter Meyers to close the first block of W. Brodhead Street, from the intersection of Highway 213 to Clark Street from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for the annual customer appreciation event at Sather’s Mobil.  Motion carried.

                Joint Powers Agreement.  Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to approve the annual Joint Powers Agreement with Rock County Communications.  Motion carried.

                Roof Replacement at the Village Hall.  Todd provided two bids for the roof repairs for the portions that were not replaced during the Village Hall renovation project.   Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Knox to accept the bid from Anderson Roofing for $55,000.00.  Motion carried.

                Dave Fuller Retirement.   Todd explained that the DNR is allowing the Village to operate under Dave Fullers certification while Todd and Mike Ceslock obtain their certifications.  Motion by Knox, seconded by Boyce to accept the retirement letter from David Fuller effective January 16, 2020.  Motion carried.

                Contract with the Town of Plymouth for Sanitary Sewer.  Todd explained that the 90 days is up at the end of October.    Todd further explained that he has returned the town chairs phone call and has not heard back. Todd has attempted to call him multiple times and has not heard back.  Todd further explained that the certification status has changed since the contract was approved and that we no longer have an employee certified for ponds.  Todd advised the board the DNR does have certified operators to offer in hardship situations.   Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to enforce the termination of the contract based on the 90th day of when the certified letter was received.  Motion carried.

                Local Road Improvement Program 2020-2026.  Todd explained that the Village needs to select a small street project for the LRIP 50% matching grant for the 2020-2026 cycle.  The LRIP grant application is due September 30, 2019.  Todd received estimates from the Village engineer for the following street repairs: resurface Olson Drive $192,000.00, resurface Gifford Street $178,000.00, total reconstruction of S. Richards Street $400,000.00, curb repair and resurface N. Center Street $100,000.00, and curb repair, manhole adjustment, resurface and stripe N. Maple Street $40,000.00.   Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Tuffree to select N. Maple Street as the LRIP project for funding.  Motion carried.   Todd explained that he will be applying for a 90/10 matching DOT Grant in December and would like to list S. Richards Street and N. Center Street on that application.

                Interrogation Room Lock.   Chief Raupp explained that the interrogation room electronic lock has never worked correctly since the building was remodeled.  Chief Raupp further explained that the electrician and contractor point fingers at each other as far as what the issue is, and neither has replied from the letter that was sent from Attorney Oellerich.   Chief Raupp explained that he feels a simple key code lock can be installed by our Public Works Department for $130.00 to solve the problem.  Motion by Knox, seconded by Boyce to purchase the key code lock for $130.00 and have the Public Works Department install it.  Motion carried.

                Amend Ordinance 304-13 regarding stop signs.   Frank Tilleson was present to explain that the traffic speeds on E. Rime Street have continued to be a problem.  Discussion held on making the intersection of N. Pine Street and E. Rime Street a three way intersection to slow down traffic.   Suiter Meyers explained that she felt that the intersection of N. Mowe and E. Rime Street should be considered, Suiter Meyers further explained that both s E. Church Street and E. Rime Street  would then have four way stops at the same location on each street.  Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to amend Ordinance 304-13 to allow a three way stop intersection at N. Pine Street and E. Rime Street.  Motion carried with Suiter Meyers voting no.  Motion carried.

                Amend Chapter 246 regarding property cleanup.  Chief Raupp explained that Ordinance 246 does not allow for the Police Department to have full enforcement in regards to property nuisances and cleanup.  Chief Raupp explained that he met with Attorney Oellerich to revise the ordinance to allow the Police Department to enforce the ordinances.   Motion by Knox, seconded by Boyce to amend Chapter 246 of the Village Ordinance so the Police Department has more control over enforcement.  Motion carried.

                June Days Funding.   President Phillips explained that Nick Todd and Chief Raupp met after June Days this year to discuss the problems that they had and what can be done for improvements moving forward.   The Village requested that the Legion attend meetings to discuss what improvements and changes can be made to continue June Days and to make it successful again.   President Phillips explained that the Village uses tax dollars to assist with the event which is a fundraiser for the Legion.  The Village pays for two thirds of the fireworks, installs a temporary electric service for the carnival employees, and provides village employees for help with set up, working at the park during the event, and for cleanup when the event is done.  Phillips explained that the first meeting was a success and that those in attendance were open to suggestions and the possibility of forming a committee of other members of community groups and the village to organize and assist with  the annual event.  President Phillips explained that the second meeting was a success and that more discussion was held on creating a committee so that the event can be improved and move forward, those in attendance from the Legion were going to take the idea back to the executive board at the Legion for discussion.   President Phillips explained that the third meeting was held and the subject of forming a committee was brought up.  President Phillips explained that Allan Morris told them that “ the Legion Executive Board did not want a committee because nobody was going to tell them what they could or could not do.”

                Discussion held on the cost to the Village for putting on the event.    Additional discussion held on continuing to invest tax dollars in the event, as the tax dollars spent are often more than what the Legion makes from hosting the event.   Tilleson explained that there should be checks and balances in place if the Village is investing tax dollars for a fund raiser for the Legion.  Discussion held on if there is a report given to show how the event does financially after the event.  No one present has seen an actual report from the event.   Additional discussion held on continuing to invest tax dollars in the event if there are no improvements made, as the village budget is tight and money is needed in the police department and public works.  

                President Phillips explained that he feels there are four options for moving forward:  1.   Only pay for the village portion of the fireworks, 2. Cut funding completely for June Days and be done, 3.  Agree to continue funding if a committee is made, and 4. Continue as it is.    

                The Board would like the event to continue; however, they feel much is needed to be improved for the event to become successful again.  

                Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to continue to provide the American Legion with funding and continued use of Purdy Park for the June Days Event with the following conditions: 

1.       A committee of the community is formed to include two village employees, two members of the American Legion, 2 members of the Sons of American Legion, 2 members of the Women’s Auxiliary, and two members from each community group that wishes to participate.

2.       A Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary are appointed for the committee which will assist in the organization of the event and also to track the financial success of the fundraiser.

Roll Call Vote-Suiter Meyers, Schmidt, Boyce, Gerber, Tuffree, Knox, and President Phillips-all YES.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Knox, seconded by Boyce to approve the vouchers for $192,491.30 (including Baer Insurance $11,561.00, Mid State Equipment $16,400.00, Portzen Construction $137,075.65, and Town & Country Engineering $13,974.40).  Motion carried.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to adjourn at 8:28 p.m.  Motion carried.


                                                                                                                                Submitted by,


                                                                                                                                Gary Phillips

                                                                                                                                Village President


                                                                                                                                Sherri Waege

                                                                                                                                Village Clerk





Sherri Waege