5.16.22 Regular Board Meeting


Regular Board Meeting

Monday, May 16, 2022  7:00 P.M.

Orfordville Village Hall

Main Board Room



                President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Present were President Burtness, Chuck Boyce, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers-Alstat, and Nikki Tuffree.   Also present were Nick Bubolz from Town & Country Engineering, Rob Baars, Tory Baars, Tim Bremel, Tayna Burtness,  Don Cox Jr., Terry Gerber, David Giddley, Darla Grenawalt, Kerrie Schmidt, Librarian Sarah Strunz, Officer O’Malley Lomax, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege.  Absent was Jason Knox.


                Clerk Waege verified that on May 13, 2022, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees: and posted at the Bank of Brodhead, Library, Village Hall, Post Office, and on the Village Website.  There were no additions made to the agenda.


                Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 25, 2022 and Special Board Meeting of April 28, 2022.  Motion carried.

                Tuffree read the following statement:   “In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which it falls as National Police Week, which means this week is National Police Officers Week and yesterday was Police Officers Memorial Day.  We have two outstanding officers in our community that  I would like to recognize. Interim Chief Jeremiah Burdick and Officer O’Malley Lomax.  While we are a small community, that doesn’t mean we are safe from harm or danger.   We should say this more often than we do; however, I would like to thank you for your dedication and service to our community.  Thank you for protecting our children, our residents, and businesses.”


                David Giddley of 404 W. Beloit Street was present and thanked President Burtness for allowing him to speak at the meeting.  Giddley explained that he has questions on the splash pad.   Giddley explained that he never heard any details as he does not use a computer or participate in social media.  Giddley asked if the village did a survey on the volleyball usage as a lot of people use it.   President Burtness stated that “ he does not know if the village did a survey for the volleyball court, but the sand in the volleyball court is not disturbed very often.”  Burtness explained that a survey was done for the splash pad.     Giddley further explained that while he was out getting signatures for the recall, a lot of people brought up the splash pad to him and asked where it would be located.  Giddley explained that the people were concerned that the village would be losing the volleyball court.  Giddley further explained that those that use the park for family reunions also use the volleyball court and that the splash pad would be for younger kids.  Giddley explained that more people use the volleyball court then the tennis courts and baseball diamond.  Giddley felt that more should be done.

                Giddley explained that he was told that the contractor felt that the Park was the best place to put the splash pad.  Giddley explained that if he was building a house, he would not have a contractor tell him to put the house anywhere the contractor wants and build whatever the contractor wants, he would ask for some details.  Giddley further explained that he was impressed with them doing fundraisers for the project, but he wondered what the cost would be.  President Burtness explained that the minutes from July 26, 2021 show that the Village Board approved the location of the splash pad at Purdy Park and that the annual maintenance would be $10,000.00.   President Burtness further explained that it would not cost the village anything to build the splashpad as they are fundraising for the project.    Giddley stated that that was nice and asked if the approval was taken through the board and if any permits were issued.  Giddley further explained that when he does something he gets the building permit, he has to go to a variance approval if he is too close to the lot line and wondered if that had to be done for the splash pad.  Clerk Waege explained that the Splash Pad Committee came to the board for approval for Purdy Park with a representative from the company.   Clerk Waege further explained that there are no zoning issues as it is in a public park, and there are no variances needed.   Kerrie Schmidt was present and explained that they are not ready for permits yet.  Beth Schmidt explained that this project was looked at by two different Public Works Directors for the Village who agreed on the location.

                Giddley asked if the maintenance was going to be an issue for the Public Works Department.   Kerrie Schmidt explained that they agreed to it and is aware of what it will require.   Giddley explained that that is not what he is getting from the other public works guys.  Giddley explained that if you go look at the site right now, the dandelions are a foot high there now.    President Burtness explained that Giddley has brought the concern up, he appreciates his observations, and his concerns have been answered.

                Giddley asked if “this was a final situation then?  Can we review this thing?”  President Burtness explained that what has been decided is final.   Giddley stated that “ the splash pad was going to be there in his yard then?”   President Burtness replied that “no it was in the park just like the volleyball court.”   Giddley  explained that the decent thing to do would have been to notify him of the project, like they did with the tennis courts and basketball courts.  Giddley explained that he is easy to get along with, but this splash pad is going to be nothing but a bunch of screaming kids and added that he loves kids.   Giddley explained that he also lives next to the elementary school.   President Burtness advised Giddley that we were done.

                Rob Baars asked if the park was there when Giddley moved there.   Giddley explained that it was.  President Burtness explained that it was time to move on.

                Tim Bremel of 208 N. Mowe Street wanted to offer an opinion as the board considers the option of appointing a person to the open trustee position.   Bremel explained that he does more PR work than anything and felt that the board has a good opportunity to heal the community and pay attention to the election results.  Bremel explained that the board should consider appointing Don Cox to the term as he has the abilities.

                Beth Schmidt explained that June Days was coming up and that they are in need of volunteers.  Schmidt explained that volunteering is part of what moves this community forward.  Schmidt explained that three people in attendance tonight,  Darla Grenawalt, Tory Baars, and Kerrie Schmidt are asking for volunteers.   You can sign up on the website or contact them to volunteer.   Schmidt added that she felt the board members should volunteer, and those that want to move forward in this community get involved.  Kerrie Schmidt explained that there is an online link on Facebook and the website.  Most time slots are four hours and part of the volunteering is the social part.   Kerrie Schmidt added that any help that people can give would be greatly appreciated.  They have a small group for a large event.  Darla Grenawalt explained that it is very simple work, there is no experience necessary, and they can’t continue without more help.  Grenawalt asked those present to spread the word that they need help and more positivity in the community.   Grenawalt explained that this is a big event that brings a lot of people to our community and businesses.   Grenawalt further explained that the current mindset in town is to move forward so it is a great time to volunteer.  Grenawalt further explained that those that do not use a computer can get a hold of them to sign up.  Clerk Waege explained that they can also contact the Village Hall to sign up.

                Clerk Waege provided Kerrie Schmidt with two more donations that she received for the splash pad project.


                Lions Club Outside Consumption.  Kerrie Schmidt was present to discuss fencing at Purdy Park when there are events with alcohol present.   Kerrie Schmidt explained that Village Ordinance gives the Village Board the authority to decide if fencing is required.   Kerrie Schmidt explained that they are hoping to sell wine or beer at some of the Music in the Park events for fundraising for the Lions Club.   Kerrie Schmidt explained that putting up the fencing for a small event would be a lot of work.   Tuffree explained that she has no problem with not requiring a fence as long as things don’t get out of hand.   Myers-Alstat explained that she likes the Music in the Park, the vendor choices, and feels it is a good fundraising opportunity for the Lions Club.   Tayna Burtness asked who decides on the fencing, as she heard it was not allowed in the will from when the Village received the land.  Clerk Waege explained that the fencing requirement is addressed in the ordinance. 

                Motion by  Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to allow outside consumption at the Music in the Park events for the Lions Club with no fencing required, pending approval on the Temporary Alcohol Licenses.  Motion carried.

                Police Protection Services with the Village of Footville.   President Burtness explained that the Village did receive a letter from the Village that gave the 90-day cancellation as required by the contract.   Tuffree thanked the two Officers who were still able to fulfill the contract with only two people.  No action was taken.

                Appoint Village Trustee.   President Burtness explained that he took the time to consider the decision.  President Burtness explained that given that he has already heard a comment on the subject at tonight’s meeting, he will explain why he is picking who he is.   President Burtness explained that one of the things that he mentioned when running for Village Trustee is that we need to improve communication.  President Burtness explained that the night of the last meeting, he reached out to Don Cox about the vacant position, and it was about a month before he heard anything back.    President Burtness explained that Don has some excellent credentials, he has done a lot, and he has a lot of respect for him because of his military service.   President Burtness explained that the delayed reply back really stuck with him, and that tonight he is going to appoint Terry Gerber for his replacement for the vacant Trustee Position.  President Burtness asked Cox to stay after the meeting as he has a role that he would like him to fill.  Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to appoint Terry Gerber as Village Trustee.  Roll Call Vote-Boyce-No, Schmidt, Myers-Alstat, Tuffree, and President Burtness-YES, Motion carried.


              Amend Resolution R-2022-04 Committees and Appointments.  President Burtness explained that he put himself in the places that are required for the Village President, moved Chuck Boyce to Police Committee, Nikki Tuffree as chair of the Police Committee, put Terry Gerber on the Public Works Committee,  put Don Cox on the Planning Commission, and himself on the Historical Committee.  Motion by Boyce, seconded by Tuffree to amend Resolution R-2022-04 to have President Burtness in place of the positions required as the Village President, put Don Cox on the Planning Commission, put Terry Gerber on the Public Works Committee,  put Chuck Boyce on Police Committee, and President Burtness on the Historical Committee.  Motion carried .

                Pay Request #2 for the 2022 Street & Utility Project.   Nick Bobolz from Town & Country Engineering was present to explain Pay Request #2 for Maddrell Excavating.  Bubolz explained that the project was stalled to allow time for Alliant Energy to do work.   Maddrell will be back for curb & gutter, sidewalk replacement, and restoration.   Maddrell will then put the road down.  Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to approve Pay Request #2 for $189,448.94 for Maddrell  Excavating for the 2022 Street & Utility Project.  Motion carried.


                Librarian Strunz was present to explain that they received two chrome books and hot spots as a part of a grant to promote small businesses.   The Chrome Books and Hot Spots are available for check out.   A mentor is also available to help those that may need it.  Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to approve the Department Head Reports.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Boyce, seconded by Schmidt to approve the vouchers for $72,480.10 with a check range of 34410-34464.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to adjourn at 7:40 p.m.  Motion carried.



                                                                                                                                Submitted by,


                                                                                                                                Dennis Burtness

                                                                                                                                Village President


                                                                                                                                Sherri Waege

                                                                                                                                Village Clerk








Sherri Waege