Regular Board Meeting
Monday, July 11, 2022 7:00 P.M.
Orfordville Village Hall
Main Board Room
President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were President Burtness, Chuck Boyce, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers-Alstat, Nikki Tuffree, Terry Gerber, and Jason Knox. Also present were State Assemblyman Mark Spreitzer, Rock County Supervisor Brian Knudson, Assistant Medical Director Dr. Richard Barney, Darla Grenawalt, Gary Phillips, Librarian Sarah Strunz, DPW Director Nick Todd, Chief Jeremiah Burdick, and Clerk Sherri Waege.
Clerk Waege verified that on July 8, 2022, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, Post Office, and Bank of Brodhead. There were no additions made to the agenda.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes of June 27, 2022. Motion carried.
State Assemblyman Mark Spreitzer was present. Assemblyman Spreitzer explained that he was invited for the fire department discussion and is willing to share legislative updates if anyone has any questions.
Valerie Greco of 215 Oak Court was present regarding the placement of the concrete planters downtown. Greco explained that she was present to request that the planters be either removed or relocated. Greco further explained the following:
· She was downtown and had difficulty seeing her seven year old son when he was standing between the planters.
· The location of the planters impedes visibility for people in the crosswalk.
· The cutouts are a great improvement as they shortened the cross walk, however the planters impede the visibility.
· Greco recited Chapter 5 of the State Statutes in regards to site lines, landscaping, terraces, street furniture, planting restrictions, and blocking intersections.
· Greco requested that they planters be removed due to the restricted visibility.
President Burtness thanked Greco for addressing the board and requested copies of the data that she read.
Myers-Alstat explained that the Village will check to see if they have a liability with the placement of the planters.
Greco was curious as to what the next step is. President Burtness explained that we can’t take action as it is not on the agenda. Greco wanted it on the next agenda. President Burtness explained that the Village will look into it and keep in touch with her.
Gary Phillips of 108 E. Hamblett Street was present for the Fire Department discussion on the agenda. Phillips explained that the Orfordville Fire Department is experiencing a shortage of volunteers, which is a nationwide problem. Phillips explained that the annual levy request used to be around $25,000.00, it is now approximately $75,000.00 of which $50,000.00 is payroll. Phillips explained that he and former Fire Chief Gene Wright were working on a referendum package to provide for additional salary funding. Phillips encouraged the members of the Village Board to attend the Fire Commission meeting so they are aware of the situation. Phillips further added that the Fire Commission is made up of the heads of the five communities it serves, the Village Board President is a member and has only one vote.
Rock County Board Member Brian Knudson was present to explain that he too was present for the Fire Department discussion and was willing to take the issue back to the Rock County Public Safety Committee.
Hononegah Archery Request. President Burtness explained that he met Jeremy Oster of Hononegah Archery at the Footville Village Board meeting last week. Oster teaches those with restrictions from mobility impairment to shoot bow. Oster would like to come to Orfordville to teach and is also looking for donations. Oster was unable to attend as he is out of town. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to table to the June 25, 2022 meeting. Motion carried.
Status of Infrastructure for Sonic Spectrum. President Burtness explained that he reached out to AJ Becker at Sonic about the status of his fiber upgrades in the Village. President Burtness reviewed the map showing upgrades with the Village Board. President Burtness explained that Becker is dealing with delays from other utilities as he has to bore under their equipment. President further explained that Becker is going to request an extension on the grant due to staffing shortages. No action was taken.
Fire Department staffing shortages and possible referendum. Dr. Barney, the State Assistant Medical Director was present to discuss his concerns for the Orfordville Fire and EMS. Dr. Barney explained that there is a nationwide shortage of EMT, Paramedics, and Fire Fighters. Dr Barney explained that volunteer fire departments are struggling due to the increased training requirements.
Dr. Barney explained that he is here tonight to explain that Orfordville is experiencing a significant lapse of coverage for their ambulance service. Dr. Barney explained that Orfordville has the largest fire district in Rock County and is having trouble staffing the ambulance. Dr. Barney further explained that Orfordville and Footville are both taking calls for Brodhead who is also struggling, Evansville and Clinton are struggling as well.
Dr. Barney advised the board that the only option that he sees to fix the problem is to consolidate the department with a neighboring department and to hire full time paramedics. The cost for full time paramedics will require the Village to get a referendum approved to pay for the increase in salaries. Dr. Barney explained that he has been meeting with the Orfordville Fire Commissioners, as time is an issue, and this problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Phillips explained that it is cheaper for the neighboring towns to stay in the Orfordville Fire District. Philips added that Chief Wright struggled staffing the ambulance, and could only work with the volunteers that he had.
Knox asked about going to a county wide system for coverage. Dr. Barney explained that that is definitely coming, possibly ten years down the road. Dr. Barney further explained that Orfordville can’t wait for that to happen and needs to do something now to address the staffing issue.
Tuffree asked Assemblyman Spreitzer is he knew of any grants available to help with staffing costs. Assemblyman Spreitzer explained that there are no grants available for this, and that the legislature is focused on promoting volunteers.
President Burtness explained that the Fire district is made up of five municipalities. The Village is the only one of the five that has to get a referendum approved to exceed the levy limits. Towns simply have to approve it at a special meeting. President Burtness further explained that the four Towns are looking to the Village to see what they are going to do with the referendum.
Brian Knutson explained that the Town of Harmony has also been dealing with a possible consolidation. Dr. Barney added that Edgerton and Milton are also looking at consolidation due to staffing shortages.
Dr. Barney explained that Orfordville serves the entire south west portion of the county and is struggling to do that. Dr. Barrney further explained that the Village needs to education the residents on the situation and really push for the referendum so we can continue the ambulance service.
Darla Grenawalt explained that she is aware of what is going on in the Village now that she attends the meetings. Grenawalt further explained that we need Dr. Barney’s help with explaining the situation to the residents.
Discussion was held on having informational meetings at the school and other groups in the Village.
Knox asked about the timing of the Referendum. Clerk Waege explained that the referendum would be on the ballot for the November Election, if the referendum is approved in November, it will go on the December 2022 taxes.
Discussion held on joining departments with the City of Brodhead. The timeline will be to have the November referendum, and take care of Orfordville first if passed. Talks with joining another department to share services can start anytime; however, taking care of getting the referendum passed to hire full time people for the Fire Department comes first.
Phillips explained that the former Chief has met with Brodhead already and also did the leg work for the referendum before he left.
Knox asked if we can get coverage statistics for our department. Dr. Barney explained that Deputy Chief Ryan Perkins can provide the figures.
In closing, Dr. Barney stressed that the timing is critical as we have to improve our staffing to maintain an ambulance service for the community. Dr. Barney explained that he has been in Rock County his entire career and has always been very fond of Orfordville’ s department. Dr. Barney added that he will assist the Village with explaining the need for additional funding via the November referendum.
Schmidt thanked Phillips for attending the meeting and helping explain the situation with the Fire and EMS. Schmidt also thanked Phillips for assisting former Chief Wright for working together to get the referendum started. Schmidt added that we tend to take the Fire & EMS Department for granted and assume that they will always be there for us.
President Burtness explained that we needed to have this discussion and thanked Dr. Barney for attending.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to proceed with pursuing the referendum for the November Election. Motion carried.
Motion by Knox, seconded by Schmidt to approve the Department Head Reports. Motion carried.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to approve the vouchers with a check range of 34612-34639. Motion carried.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Knox to adjourn at 8:23 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Dennis Burtness
Village President
Sherri Waege
Village Clerk