Regular Board Meeting
Monday, June 27, 2022 7:00 P.M.
Orfordville Village Hall
Main Board Room
President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Dennis Burtness, Chuck Boyce, Beth Schmidt, Nikki Tuffree, Terry Gerber, and Jason Knox. Also present were Howard Franklin, Kerry Knutson, Deputy Fire Chief Ryan Perkins, Chief Jeremiah Burdick, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege. Absent was Cami Myers-Alstat.
Clerk Waege verified that copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, Post Office, and the Bank of Brodhead. There were no additions made to the agenda.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to approve the June 13, 2022 Regular Board Meeting minutes. Motion carried.
Howard Franklin of 507 S. Richards Street was present and asked if the electric was still in place for downtown decorative street lights. Clerk Waege explained that the conduit was put in place in the event that decorative street lights were ever put up. Knox explained that the former DPW Director told him that some of the conduit is missing. Franklin explained that he would like the board to keep it in mind in the event that money is available for the lights. DPW Director Todd explained that he has been in contact with Tapco to see what is available for pillar lighting downtown.
Planning Commission Recommendation for Conditional Use Permit renewal for Knutes Bar & Grill. Kerry Knutson was present to explain that he is going to expand his parking lot as he is no longer going to have the volleyball courts. Knutson further explained that he would like to extend his outdoor patio in the back to be the size of 20x 40 feet. The patio will be fenced in and he will still keep the handicapped accessible ramp. President Burtness explained that the cars will also have an additional exit which will go off of Dickson Street. Boyce asked if the barn was going to stay. Knutson explained that the barn will still be there, and the parking lot will be paved to the barn. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Boyce to accept the Planning Commission recommendation to revise the Conditional Use Permit to allow dining and outside consumption in the rear outside dining area, in addition to the front outdoor patio, as described on the annual license. Motion carried.
Police Committee Recommendation for Operator Licenses. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Boyce to accept the Police Committee Recommendation to approve the following Operator Licenses to expire June 30, 2023: : Lori Boers, Rhonda Bowers, Joseph Collins, Julia DeLong, Carter Diekhoff, Alexia Essen, Wayne Feggestad, Lori Francis, Sandra Giddley, Yuliana Guzman, Abby Huffman, Angel Garcia Jimenez, Rupesh Karki, Laurie Knutson, Shari Knutson, Amanda Linard, Henry Maas, Courtney Mielke, Dawn Muenchow, Nathan Olsen, Kelli Phillips, Karl Sarbacker, Brigette Schumacher, Kimberly Sepeda, Kelsey Shortridge, Darcy Smith, Dayle Stapleman, Morgan Turner, Jessica Wendelschafer, and Analyse Worachek. Motion carried.
Alcohol Licenses. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to approve the following licenses to expire June 30, 2023: “Class A” Fermented Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License to Dolgen Corp LLC (Lori Boers Agent) of 507 N. Main Street, the Knute Inc. d.b.a. as the Liquor Barn of 204 E. Beloit Street and The Station LLC ( Charlotte Fick Agent) of 616 W. Beloit Street; Class “B” Fermented Beverage and Class “C” Wine to Angel Garcia Jimenez for Taqueria Guzman located at 100 E. Spring Street, “Class B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor to Fibs North LLC ( Michelle Deal Agent) of 214 Viking Drive, Knute Inc. ( Kerry Knutson agent) for Knutes Bar & Grill at 206 E. Beloit Street, and Stables Bar & Grill LLC ( Lori Mueller agent) for Stables Bar & 717 Genesis Drive. Motion Carried.
Fire Department Staffing. Deputy Fire Chief Ryan Perkins was present on behalf of the Orfordville Fire Department. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins explained that they are struggling to get volunteers for the EMS. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins explained that initially they were a volunteer Fire Department, with strictly volunteers; however, that is no longer working. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins further explained that there is a nationwide shortage of EMT and Firemen, which is especially affecting small town departments.
Deputy Fire Chief Perkins explained that the department has tried every avenue for staffing and is still struggling. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins further explained that the state mandated training requirements are part of the problem, as it is a large commitment for a volunteer. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins explained that the department has a core group of four people from Orfordville that volunteer, everyone else is from outside the area. The department is having a hard time staffing the ambulance and is falling below the state standard when it comes to coverage. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins added that it is better than it was a couple months ago, but they still need help.
Discussion was held on hiring full time Paramedics for the Department. Having full time employees would require additional payroll expenses, which would require approval by a referendum. Full time employees would also mean faster response times. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins further explained that former Fire Chief Gene Wright was working on a referendum package prior to his retirement.
President Burtness explained that the fire district is the largest in Rock County. All five municipalities would have to agree to the increase for the full time staffing. The Village is the only one of the five that would have to have approval via referendum.
Attorney Oellerich explained that the Fire Commission will have to approve a plan for the referendum which has to be approved 70 days before the election. Attorney Oellerich will also look into other options that may be available, such as special assessments.
Discussion was also held on having a private ambulance service. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins explained that other districts that have done that wish they would not have. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins explained that Elkhorn went to a private service, which ended up costing more money than having their own department. Municipalities also do not have the control over a private service as they do with a fire district.
Schmidt explained that she spoke to our State Representative and he explained that a lot of departments are gong to full time staffing as they are having the same problem.
Knox explained that he was at the Town of Porter’s meeting and was told seven departments in the state have shut down since January 1st. Knox further explained that the City of Janesville is pushing for a county wide department, which would rely on GPS monitoring systems which would determine who would respond to what call.
Deputy Fire Chief Perkins explained that they have spoken with neighboring departments about combining; however, none of the departments have enough people to get it going. Deputy Fire Chief Perkins added that now is the time for the Village to come together and promote our local Fire Department.
Tuffree suggested that the Fire Department reach out to the school about promoting fire and EMS careers.
President Burtness explained that Dr. Barney will be at the July 11, 2022 meeting to discuss the situation.
The board thanked Deputy Fire Chief Perkins for the information.
Resolution R-2022-02 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report DPW Director Todd explained that the annual Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR) is required by the Department of Natural Resources. DPW Director Todd explained that the Village did very well on the report this year and received an A grade based on operations, flow, expenses, and kilowatts. There were no violations for 2022. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to approve Resolution R-2022-02 for the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report. Motion carried.
Motion by Knox, seconded by Tuffree to approve the vouchers with a check range of 34573-34585. Motion carried.
President Burtness explained that he appreciated everyone that volunteered and set up the annual June Days Celebration. President Burtness added that the new angle parking on N. Center Street was nice for additional parking. President Burtness explained that S. Richards Street construction is coming along, and that there were a couple of water main breaks. President Burtness further added that he really likes the look of the stamped concrete on the bump outs downtown. President Burtness also thanked DPW Director Todd and the Public Works Department for the great work that they are doing at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Gerber thanked the Police Department for the work they did at June Days.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to adjourn at 8:04 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Dennis Burtness
Village President
Sherri Waege
Village Clerk