6.13.22 Regular Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, June 13, 2022 7:00 P.M.
Orfordville Village Hall
Main Board Room
President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were President Burtness, Chuck Boyce, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers-Alstat, Nikki Tuffree, Terry Gerber, and Jason Knox. Also present were Tayna Burtness, Jeremiah Burdick Jr. Officer Mike Rufer, Dawn Sample, Chief Jeremiah Burdick, Librarian Sarah Strunz, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege.
Clerk Waege verified that on June 10, 2022, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted on the website, at the Village Hall, Bank of Brodhead, Library, and the Orfordville Post Office. There were no additions made to the agenda.
Motion by Boyce, seconded by Tuffree to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 23, 2022 and Special Board Meeting of May 31, 2022. Motion carried.
Myers-Alstat explained that the Economic Development Committee will host a grant meeting on Monday, June 20, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Myers-Alstat explained that Jason Scott from Wisconsin Economic Development and James Otterstein from Rock County Planning and Development will both be in attendance to discuss grant opportunities for our local businesses. Myers-Alstat encouraged local business owners and younger students that would like to go into business to attend.
Schmidt read an email from Errin Welty from Wisconsin Economic Development that requested someone from Orfordville Economic Development participate in a panel at a WEDC meeting in August, due to the improvements made to the downtown and the success in drawing local businesses. Schmidt further added that WEDC reached out to the Village to request that we host a state meeting in October. The meeting will be at the Village Hall on October 28th.
Schmidt also added that June Days is this weekend.
Knox asked why his water bill had a stamp on it this time. Clerk Waege explained that the water bills are now mailed out of Brodhead. Clerk Waege added that she will explain the reason to Knox after the meeting.
Gerber explained that he attended a meeting at the Orfordville Lutheran Church where it was decided that they will have the Norwegian Dinner on October 22, 2022, and are looking for volunteers.
Clerk Waege swore in Jeremiah Burdick as the new Police Chief for the Village of Orfordville. Jeremiah Burdick Jr, Part Time Officer Mike Rufer, and Dawn Sample were also in attendance. The Village Board congratulated Chief Jeremiah Burdick on his new position with the Village of Orfordville.
Operator License. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to accept the Police Committee recommendation to grant an Operator License to expire June 30, 2023 to Rupesh Karki. Motion carried.
Temporary Beer & Wine License for the Lions Club. Knox asked if the Lions Club provided the insurance. Clerk Waege explained that yes, she did receive the Certificate of Insurance for Liability. Motion by Myers-Alstat, seconded by Gerber to grant a Temporary Beer and Wine License to the Orfordville Lions Club for the annual June Days Celebration from June 17-19, 2022. Motion carried.
Market Day Sign. Tayna Burtness was present to request permission to put a sign up to advertise the Market Day Event at Purdy Park for June Days. Burtness would like to put it next to the Purdy Park sign. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to allow the sign at Purdy Park to promote Market Days at June Days. Motion carried.
Amend Resolution R-2021-17. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to amend Resolution R-2021-17 to increase the hourly wage for Part Time Police Officers to $21.00 per hour. Motion carried.
Pay Request #3 for the 2022 Street & Utility Project. DPW Director Todd explained that the pay request was for $160,247.32. DPW Director Todd further explained that the stamped concrete work is supposed to be done on Wednesday of this week. DPW Director Todd further added that he is waiting on a couple of trees to be delivered to be planted on N. Center Street. Motion by Boyce, seconded by Tuffree to approve Pay Request # 3 for the 2022 Street & Utility Project for $160,247.32. Motion carried.
Bids for Installation of the New Pumps at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. DPW Director Todd explained that he was hired towards the end of the upgrades of the WWTP. DPW Director Todd further explained that the sludge pumps were not included in the upgrade and are beyond their years of service. DPW Director Todd reminded the Board that they purchased new pumps which he initially thought the department could install. DPW Director Todd explained that due to the size of the pumps, they will have to be dismantled to be brought in the building. The new pumps will require alterations to the electric service as well. Knox asked what DPW Director Todd was going to do with the old pumps. DPW Director Todd explained that they will probably be scrapped as they also will have to be dismantled to be removed. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to approve the bid from Staab Construction for $14,000.00 to install the new sludge pumps. Motion carried.
April Treasurer Report. Motion by Boyce, seconded by Gerber to approve the April Treasurer Report. Motion carried.
Amend Ordinance 26-9 for the Court Officer. Municipal Judge Russell Rucker provided a written request to be able to have Officer Mike Rufer back as the Court Officer now that he has returned to the Police Department. Chief Burdick explained that having Officer Rufer as the Court Officer would be beneficial to the Department. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to amend Ordinance 26-9 that would allow a part time officer as the Court Officer for Municipal Court. Motion carried.
Amending the Personnel Policy/Employee Handbook. Tuffree explained that the Village was going to revise the handbook earlier this spring and that two of the committee members are no longer on the Village Board. Schmidt explained that Attorney Oellerich felt that the Policy/Handbook should be geared towards municipal government, rather than a business. Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to form a temporary committee of President Burtness, Boyce, and Myers-Alstat. Motion carried. Attorney Oellerich and the Department Heads will also participate in the revision.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to approve the Department Head Reports. Motion carried. Chief Burdick advised the board that the part time and full time officer positions were posted on WileNet until July 8th. Librarian Strunz explained that the Library is having a pancake breakfast this Saturday at the Library.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to approve the vouchers for $306,992.17 with a check range of 34478-34550. Motion carried. Knox asked Clerk Waege to include information on the vouchers that explains which department each voucher is for.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Knox to adjourn at 7:37 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Dennis Burtness
Village President
Sherri Waege
Village Clerk