Regular Board Meeting

Monday, September 25, 2023  7:00 P.M.

Orfordville Village Hall

Main Board Room



                President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  Present were President Burtness, Chuck Boyce, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers-Alstat, Nikki Tuffree, Terry Gerber, and Jason Knox.  Also present were Julia Engler, Attorney Mike Hahn, Chief Jeremiah Burdick,  DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege.


                Clerk Waege verified that on September 22, 2023, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, and the Orfordville Post Office.  There were no additions made to the agenda.


                Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to approve the September 11, 2023 minutes.   Motion carried.






                Operator License.  Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to accept the Police Department recommendation to approve an Operator License for Trey Carothers to expire June 30, 2024.  Motion carried.

Trick or Treat Hours.   Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to set the Trick or Treat Hours for 2023  and 2024 for 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on October 31st.  Motion carried.

2024 Joint Powers Agreement.   Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Gerber to approve the 2024 Joint Powers Agreement with Rock County Communications.   Motion carried.

Purdy Park Ball Diamond Renovations.   Julia Engler was present to explain that she helped with the golf fundraiser memorial for John Kinna.  Engler explained that Kinna was very involved in the Parkview School District and was also the Parkview baseball coach.   Engler explained that they raised money from the golf tournament and would like to do additional fundraising which can be used to make improvements to the baseball diamond at Purdy Park.  Engler explained that she is in the process of obtaining a 501(c)(3) for the John Kinna Memorial Fund.  DPW Director Todd explained that some of the fencing needs replaced and the outfield needs work due to the drop off from the infield to the outfield.  Motion by Knox, seconded by Schmidt  to have DPW Director Todd work with Julia Engler of the John Kinna Memorial Fund and the Parkview School District regarding improvements needed to the baseball field at Purdy Park so fundraising needs can be determined.  Motion carried.

Fire Department Training.   President Burtness explained that the Fire Department requested permission to use the back parking lot for training.  The Fire Department also requested assistance from the Public Works Department to use their equipment to smash the cars.   Clerk Waege explained that the Lions Club would like to do a Night Walk on the walking trail the weekend of October 20th.   President Burtness will talk to the Fire Department to see what dates they had in mind so the training doesn’t conflict with the Night Walk.  No action taken.

Storage and Parking of Recreational Vehicles.   President Burtness explained that he has received a complaint from a resident regarding an ongoing issue with a truck and trailer parked on the street.  President Burtness explained that the resident is upset that the trailer has sat there so long and does not move.    Discussion held on Ordinance 320-43 regarding storage of recreational vehicles.  Attorney Hahn explained that he felt that Chapter 304, parking enforcement, was more applicable to the situation.   Chief Burdick explained that he will talk to President Burtness and reach out to the owner of the vehicle.  No action taken.

Fire District Agreement.   President Burtness explained that the Fire Department has a draft of a new Operating Agreement for the Town of Avon, Town of Plymouth, Town of Spring Valley, and Village of Orfordville.   President Burtness explained that the Town of Newark has advised the Fire Commission that they are working on finalizing the agreement with the Town of Beloit for Fire and EMS Service.  President Burtness explained that this agreement will be voted on after the Town of Newark withdraws from the district.  Clerk Waege explained that she believes that the January 31 payment deadline should be changed to February 1st as there is a statutory provision that prohibits payments being due prior to the tax bill due date.   Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to table to the October 9, 2023 meeting to confirm the statutory requirement for the payment due date.  Motion carried.

2024 Fire District Budget.  President Burtness explained the budget that only includes the Town of Avon, Town of Plymouth, Town of Spring Valley, and the Village of Orfordville.   President Burtness explained that the budget request could go down in the event that the Town of Newark does not do an agreement with the Town of Beloit.   Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to approve the Budget Request for 2024 Fire and EMS for $273,335.00.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to approve the August Treasurer Report.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to approve the vouchers with a check range of 36199-36216.  Motion carried.


                President Burtness explained the following:

·         President Burtness encouraged everyone to visit the American Legion’s Facebook page as they have many events taking place in October.

·         Fall Fest will be at the Fire Department on Saturday, September 30th from 4-6 p.m.

Fall Fest will include the following events: Chili Cook Off,  Scarecrow Contest, Pumpkin Lighting Ceremony, Apple Cider and more!
~ Chili Cook Off Registration & Info: https://forms.gle/GmpMHLxF1K7x4Nhb7
The chili cook off is a fundraiser for the Orfordville Fire Department! $5 tasting fee.
~Scarecrow Contest: Hosted by the Orfordville Lion's club - all residents, businesses, orgs encouraged to participate! Bring your scarecrow to the Fire Dep at 3pm on the 30th to register to enter it into the contest! Different age groups available. Display your scarecrow at your home or business after the event!
~Pumpkin decorating contest: Bring your decorated pumpkin to the event to participate in a decorating contest & pumpkin lighting ceremony. Prize is a fall themed gift basket. Registration at 3pm.
~Fall drinks (alcoholic & non-alcoholic), fall treats, and more!
This is a family friendly event and all are welcome to attend!
Event is also posted on the Orfordville Community Calendar More Info: https://www.orfordville.org/fall-fest 

·         Car Show at Burtness Chevrolet on Saturday, October 7th from 10:00am – 2:00pm

Remember to bring a non-perishable food item to help support the local food pantry.             There will also be a 50/50 drawing to aid the Orfordville After School Program, the FFA Alumni is returning this year with their fantastic food tent, and the Rock County Dairy Trailer will also be there.   It's going to be a fantastic day of cars, community, and delicious eats! #DriveBurtnessCarShow #CommunitySupport #FamilyFun


            Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Knox to adjourn at 8:19 p.m.  Motion carried.




                                                                                                            Submitted by,


                                                                                                            Dennis Burtness

                                                                                                            Village President


                                                                                                            Sherri Waege

                                                                                                            Village Clerk








Sherri Waege