Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 27, 2022 7:00 P.M.
Orfordville Village Hall
Village President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were President Burtness, Chuck Boyce, Cami Myers-Alstat, Nikki Tuffree, and Jason Knox. Also present were Fred Carr, Howard Franklin, Chief Jeremiah Burdick, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege.
Clerk Waege verified that on December 21, 2022, copies of the agenda were emailed to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Bank of Brodhead, Library, and the Orfordville Post Office. There were no additions made to the agenda.
Motion by Boyce, seconded by Tuffree to approve the December 12, 2022 Regular Board Meeting minutes. Motion carried.
Pay Request #5 for Maddrell Excavating. DPW Director Todd explained the pay request and added that the punch list for finishing the project will be reviewed in the spring. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Knox to approve pay request #5 for Maddrell Excavating for $310,548.34. Motion carried.
Resolution R-2022-06 setting employee wages. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to adopt Resolution R-2022-06 setting employee wages for 2023. Motion carried.
Resolution R-2022-07 regarding unused funds for 2022. Clerk Waege explained that she has a question for the auditor before she would like the resolution approved. Motion by Myers-Alstat, seconded by Boyce to table to January 9, 2023. Motion carried.
Fire District Agreement. President Burtness explained that the Town of Newark did not pass the request for additional funding for the fire department. President Burtness explained that it was voted down for more information, two additional informational sessions were held, and then the second vote which was again voted down. President Burtness explained that the Fire Commission met last Wednesday to discuss how to move forward. The Fire Commission approved the original, lower budget for 2023 to keep the department going as is. The money will hopefully provide funds to operate until August. The Committee is going to meet in the meantime to see if they can merge with neighboring municipalities. President Burtness explained that the Town of Newark has not withdrawn from the district yet, which makes it hard for planning to move forward. President Burtness wanted to publicly thank Interim Chief Ryan Perkins and Fred Carr for all that they have done for the department.
Howard Franklin of 507 S. Richards Street was present and asked if the department was at a point where we request a date or deadline for Newark to make a decision, so the department can move forward. President Burtness explained that the Commission is hoping to get to that point soon and that the Attorney is looking at what can be done.
Clerk Waege explained that the village’s approved referendum was included with the tax levy, under the advice of the Village Attorney. The money will be held in a separate account pending the outcome of the department going full time. In the event that the department does not go full time, the money can be refunded on the December 2023 tax bill.
No action was taken.
Motion by Knox, seconded by Boyce to approve the November Treasurer Report. Motion carried.
Motion by Boyce, seconded by Tuffree to approve the vouchers with a check range of 35213-35256. Motion carried.
President Burtness explained the following:
· December 13th was the FFA fruit sale. While this is a past event, mark your calendar for next year - Fruit is the largest fundraiser that the FFA does. Parkview FFA did just over $20,000 in total sales this year. There are a lot of community members that purchase fruit and The FFA appreciates the support. The FFA is always looking to become more involved in the community, so if there are any projects that the board needs help with feel free to reach out. We appreciate the ag teacher, TJ Sattler’s efforts.
· December 22, 2022 – Night out with Santa – this was canceled due to the weather, and has been rescheduled to December 29th at the American Legion – this is a free family night that is from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
· The Lions Club would like to thank everyone for their support of the Parade of Lights.
· This past weekend we celebrated Christmas. While most of us find it a great time for families to gather, for some it is not easy. Please remember those who currently serve in the military that were unable to be home for the holidays, and also remember those who have lost a family member, or friend. Their sacrifices make it possible so that we might enjoy the freedoms we have here at home. Please encourage them as you can.
· January is a tough time for small businesses. A reminder to shop local and support the businesses in town
I want to thank the Village board, committees, employees and residents for your hard work and support over the past year. There are many things to tackle, let’s look forward to the coming year to see what we can accomplish as a team.
Motion by Knox, seconded by Tuffree to adjourn at 7:56 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Dennis Burtness
Village President
Sherri Waege
Village Clerk