Regular Board Meeting
Monday, January 23, 2023 7:00 P.M.
Orfordville Village Hall
Main Board Room
President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were President Burtness, Chuck Boyce, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers-Alstat, Nikki Tuffree, and Terry Gerber. Also present were Attorney Mike Hahn, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege. Absent was Jason Knox.
Clerk Waege verified that on January 20, 2023, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, Bank of Brodhead, and the Orfordville Post Office. There were no additions made to the agenda.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Boyce to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 9, 2023. Motion carried.
President Burtness asked if the board would agree to move the General Handbook Discussion to the last item on the agenda. The board was in agreement.
Police Committee Recommendation for Operator License. Motion by Boyce, seconded by Schmidt to accept the Police Committee recommendation to approve an Operator License to expire June 30, 2023 for Krystal Pagel. Motion carried.
Resolution R-2023-01 Regarding State Funding for Municipal Services. President Burtness explained that he would like the board to approve the Resolution which will be sent to the League of Municipalities and our State Representatives. The Resolution addresses the reduction in state aid to help fund local municipal services such as Fire & EMS. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to adopt Resolution R-2023-01 to be sent to the League of Municipalities and our State Representatives to address the need for additional funding for services in the Village. Motion carried.
Contract Extension with the Humane Society of Southern Wisconsin. Motion by Myers-Alstat, seconded by Schmidt to approve the contract extension with the Humane Society of Southern Wisconsin through 2023. Motion carried.
Reviewing Fees for the Park Pavilions and Community Room. DPW Director Todd explained that the on call public works employee check the parks in the morning to make sure they are clean for the reserved day. DPW Director Todd further explained that the price for bathroom supplies has increased. Clerk Waege explained that the Community Room is gaining in popularity. Some of the walls are getting dinged up when used. Motion by Boyce, seconded by Myers-Alstat to increase the fees for park reservations and community room reservations for all reservations moving forward to $100.00 per event, with $25.00 deposit money being returned if the space is cleaned up after their event. Motion carried.
DPW Employment Packet. Discussion held on creating a document for the Public Works Department that would outline the benefits, job descriptions, raise rates, and certifications for public works employees. No action was taken.
Police Employment Packet. Discussion held on the document that was drafted by the Police Committee and reviewed by Attorney Hahn. Attorney Hahn will make the changes as discussed. No action was taken.
Amendment to Employee Handbook for the Police Department. Tuffree and Attorney Hahn reviewed the draft. Attorney Hahn will make the changes as discussed. No action was taken.
DPW Amendment to the Personnel Policy/Employee Handbook. Discussion held, the board would like more time to review. No action taken.
General Employee Handbook discussion. President Burtness explained that he, Boyce, and Myers-Alstat met to revise the Employee Handbook. President Burtness recommended the Village Board take time to review the document as a lot of changes were made. No discussion held. No action taken.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to approve the December Treasurer Report. Motion carried.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Myers-Alstat to approve the vouchers with a check range of 35316-35344. Motion carried.
President Burtness updated with the following:
* The Fire Commission is working to come up with a plan for service.
* Thanks to Public Works in repairing yet another water main break. It has been a busy winter season for them. We are glad it hasn’t been any colder or snowier than it has as that just makes this type of work even more difficult.
* Thanks to committee members for their efforts toward the handbook updates.
* Parkview/Albany wrestlers won 1st place at the Ithaca Weston invitational. Out of the 13 teams competing, the Vikings won with 199 points. Congratulations to Danny Finley, Wyatt Egan, and Wes Egan all taking 1st place.
Motion by Boyce, seconded by Schmidt to go into closed session at 8:47 p.m. pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85(1)( c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the government body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility-specifically to discuss employee wage increase for 2023. Roll Call Vote- Boyce, Schmidt, Myers-Alstat, Tuffree, Gerber, and President Burtness-all YES. Motion carried.
Reconvene. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Boyce to go back into open session at 9:45 p.m. Roll Call Vote- Boyce, Schmidt, Myers-Alstat, Tuffree, Gerber, and President Burtness-all YES. Motion carried.
No action was taken on items discussed in open session.
Motion by Gerber, seconded by Boyce to adjourn at 9:47 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Dennis Burtness
Village President
SherriWaege Village Clerk