3.17.20 Covid 19 Special Meeting
Special Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 6:00 P.M.
Orfordville Village Hall
Main Board Room
President Gary Phillips called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present were Tina Suiter Meyers, Beth Schmidt, Terry Gerber, and Nikki Tuffree. Also present were Librarian Sarah Strunz, Parkview School Superintendent Steve Lutzke, DPW Director Nick Todd, Police Chief Brian Raupp, Fire Chief Steve Ryan, and Clerk Sherri Waege. Chuck Boyce arrived at 6:03 p.m. Jason Knox arrived at 6:05 p.m. The board room was set up based on the six foot social distancing recommendation for public gatherings.
Clerk Waege verified that on March 16, 2020 copies of the agenda were emailed to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Library and Village Hall. There were no additions made to the agenda.
PROCEDURES FOR AN EMERGENCY DECLARATION REGARDING THE COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK. Chief Raupp reviewed the copy of the Declaration based on Wisconsin State Statutes 323.11 which declares an emergency in response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Suiter Meyers to adopt the Ordinance Declaring a State of Emergency for the Village of Orfordville. Motion carried.
· Chief Raupp explained that he and President Phillips have been participating in the daily conference calls with the state and county in regards to updates and changes that take place.
· Chief Raupp explained that he has met with Fire Chief Ryan in regards to gear and materials on hand for their departments.
· Chief Raupp explained that the officers are waiting for EMS to go into homes first on medical calls. If it is a sick person with symptoms, they will not be going in unless assistance is requested from the EMS.
· Chief Raupp explained that they are working with the Rock County Sheriff’s Department to try and keep the population down at the jail.
· Chief Raupp explained that there is still municipal court on March 18th. Court attendees have the option of attending or rescheduling. Citations are not being written for April court. Teleconferencing may be an option if necessary.
· Chief Raupp explained that the 911 Center will be advising the police and fire departments of residences in the Village that have a person test positive.
· Chief Raupp explained that Sonic has installed two additional public internet services in the Village. One is at Purdy Park and the other at the Patio downtown. There is also public internet available at the Village Hall and Library.
· Chief Raupp explained that he went to all the restaurants and bars (excluding Kays Outback and The Haven as they were closed) and reviewed the latest requirement to not serve food or alcohol inside their establishments. They were all aware of the new ten person capacity regulation.
· Librarian Strunz explained that the library is closed for the time being. Employees are working and cleaning the library.
· Librarian Strunz explained that her and her staff are available to help other departments in the Village if needed.
· Librarian Strunz explained that her and her staff are delivering books to regular patrons and also checking on regular patrons that come to the library.
· DPW Director Todd explained that the water supply is good and that he has spoken with his DNR representative and they will continue testing as usual.
· DPW Director Todd has limited vendor access to the buildings.
· DPW Director Todd explained that they do have to be more cautious at the wastewater treatment plant.
· DPW Director Todd explained that he is concerned that people may use alternate items for toilet paper and wants to remind everyone that only toilet paper can be flushed. Flushable wipes and paper towels can cause backups in laterals at people’s homes.
· DPW Director Todd explained that they are being cautious when requested to respond to residents home in regards to utility calls such as a water problem or sewer backup. DPW Director Todd explained that they will be asking the same questions as dispatch prior to going in homes.
· DPW Director Todd explained that they are sanitizing all of the handles and public areas at the Village Hall every morning.
· Chief Ryan explained that he has been participating in the Emergency Management meetings and calls that are put on by the state, county, and Dr. McNair from Mercy.
· Chief Ryan has stopped all regular scheduled training activities at the Fire Department.
· Chief Ryan explained that they will only be sending the engine on calls unless it is a fire.
· Chief Ryan explained that the ambulance has crews of three EMTS. Only one EMT will be going in homes for calls with the potential virus. This will save on possible spreading of the virus and also on the suits that they will have to wear. Chief Ryan added that they will send more in if more than one EMT is needed inside.
· Superintendent Lutzke explained that the school is going to start online schooling on Monday, March 23rd. The school district is working on getting every student an IPad to use.
· Superintendent Lutzke explained that they are going to be providing meals to students 18 and under. Food will be given out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday’s, which will include two days of meals. Superintendent Lutzke thought the meals will consist of sandwiches, fruit, and milk.
· Superintendent Lutzke explained that the employees are still working at the school on and off. They would rather have them working so they can continue getting paid.
· The Election is still scheduled. Information on the election is under the specific agenda item below.
· Clerk Waege would prefer that payments be placed in the drop box outside to limit face to face interaction.
· Clerk Waege explained that only employees are permitted beyond the lobby at this time.
· President Phillips explained that the Orfordville Dollar General is open an hour early for senior citizens.
· Orfordville Cup is not accepting food donations at this time. Financial donations are still appreciated. Chief Ryan explained that they still have some of the donations from the December food drive that he will be taking to them.
· Librarian Strunz explained that the Orfordville Cup will be doing curbside pickup.
· Knox explained that he was asked if Orfordville was going to impose a curfew. Chief Raupp explained that he will follow the state and federal recommendations if that were to happen.
· Schmidt explained that Food is Fuel will remain open as they have groceries. Schmidt further explained that Food is Fuel is setting up an online ordering system so grocery items can be picked up at the drive up window.
· Clerk Waege explained that the election is still scheduled. It is unlikely that the election will be cancelled as that in addition to the Presidential Preference, there are local offices and referendums on the ballot. Other states that have cancelled have done so if they only have the Presidential Preference on the ballot.
· Clerk Waege explained that her and Pat Burtness who is the Chief Election Inspector, participated in the Wisconsin Election Commission webinar on Monday and will follow the advice they are giving. They will participate in additional webinars when they are scheduled.
· Clerk Waege explained that municipalities have to be open to allow residents to register to vote. March 18th is the last day to register to vote online. After March 18th you have to register to vote in person at the Village Hall or on Election Day.
· The Wisconsin Election Commission is recommending all residents vote absentee. You can request an application to vote absentee online at WIsVote.wi.gov. You can also come in and vote in person at the Village Hall, although the online request is recommended to prevent human contact. There are now two polling booths set up in the lobby to keep absentee voters from coming inside the offices and conference rooms.
· Clerk Waege will be scheduling Saturday hours for absentee voting for those that wish to vote absentee in person and cannot get here during business hours.
· Clerk Waege explained that she recommends people bring their own ball point pen to use when they come into vote absentee. Fell pens, sharpies, or roller ball pens are should not be used on the ballot. Clerk Waege further explained that she has purchased ball point pens to have them available. Voters will keep the pen so it is not used again.
· Clerk Waege explained that the polling booths in the lobby are wiped down with chlorox wipes throughout the day.
· Clerk Waege explained that she would like one larger bottle of hand sanitizer for the public to use on Election Day. Clerk Waege explained that she has five small travel size bottles so the poll workers each have their own bottle. Clerk Waege also has disposable gloves from the Police Department to use on Election Day.
· Residents should make sure their hands are dry when they are voting absentee. Hand sanitizer can damage the ballot which may cause it to not be able to be read by the machine.
· Clerk Waege explained that she is concerned about her poll workers working at the election. Librarian Strunz explained that the library staff could help with that. Clerk Waege explained that she will talk with Pat Burtness and decide how to proceed.
Clerk Waege explained that dog licenses are due April 1st, licenses issue after April 1st are charged a $5.00 late fee in addition to the license fee. The Clerk’s office gets busy issuing dog licenses the last two weeks of March. Clerk Waege explained that she would prefer to delay the late fee to May 1st to limit in person traffic. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to start charging the late fee for dog licenses after May 1st. Motion carried.
President Phillips explained that he would prefer that the scheduled meetings continue. President Phillips explained that there may be reasons to take action based on the activity and changes that are taking place due to the COVD-19 virus. President Phillips explained that the Village will continue to impose the six foot social distancing recommendation at meetings.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Gary Phillips
Village President
Sherri Waege
Village Clerk