Regular Board Meeting
Monday, June 24, 2024 7:00 p.m.
Orfordville Village Hall
Main Board Room
President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were President Burtness, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers-Alstat, Nikki Tuffree, Terry Gerber, and Terry Morris. Also present were Tess Albrecht, Paul Schilb, Jeanne Tomlin, Jim and Ashley Toberman, Attorney Mike Davis, Chief Jeremiah Burdick, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege. Absent was David Olsen.
Clerk Waege verified that on June 21, 2024 copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, and the Orfordville Post Office. There were no additions made to the agenda.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to approve the June 10, 2024 minutes. Motion carried.
DPW Director Todd explained that the Village received six inches or more of rain in 40 minutes on Saturday, June 22nd, which resulted in flooding throughout the Village. DPW Director Todd explained that many homes had flooding from groundwater, and many had sewer backups. DPW Director Todd explained that the wastewater treatment plant is designed for 400,000 gallons, the plant recorded 1, 400,000 gallons on Saturday evening. The plant could not keep up with that amount of water and backed up on Brodhead Street which spread out to the downtown area, S. Center Street, S. Richards Street, Mowe Street, and Spring Street. DPW Director Todd further explained that the manholes in those areas were all full to the top and that the Village had to obtain permission from the DNR to bypass the wastewater treatment plant. DPW Director Todd further explained that the Village of Oregon sent three employees and a large pump down to assist the Village at the plant on Sunday. DPW Director Todd also explained that they have pumps from Footville and Brodhead that will be on standby for the upcoming weather later tonight, so that manholes can be pumped on S. Center Street, Spring Street and S. Richards Street. Public Works Employees will be out at 11:00 p.m. to check manholes.
DPW Director Todd explained that Chief Ryan Perkins, the Emergency Management Director for the Village, had a meeting with Rock County Emergency Management this afternoon. Emergency Management is asking the residents with damage to report it to him so that it can be reported and sent to the County and State. DPW Director Todd explained that Rock County has been declared an Emergency, so funding may be available from the State. DPW Director Todd further explained that there is no guarantee of funding at this time, the data needs to be collected to see if the Village could qualify for funding.
DPW Director Todd explained that village officials will be going door to door to check on damage in the Village, starting on Wednesday. Chief Perkins will be going to residents that he is aware of that have damage on Tuesday. DPW Director Todd requested everyone to contact the Fire Department at 608-879-2122 or Village Hall at 608-879-2004 if you have damage. The Emergency Management team recommends residents with damage start with their insurance company first.
DPW Director Todd further explained that residents can install a backflow preventor that prevents sewer backup in the future.
Tess Albrecht of 117 S. Richards Street was present. Albrecht asked if they should contact DPW Director Todd if they have problems with potential storms coming later. DPW Director Todd provided his number of 608-751-4785 for residents to call if they experience sewer flooding.
Jim Toberman of 413 E. Beloit Street was present and explained that his sewer lateral may be bad. Toberman wondered if a backflow preventor would prevent future backups. DPW Director Todd explained that it would prevent backups, and that it has to be installed by a plumber.
Paul Schilb of 407 Spring Street was present and explained that his damage was all sewer from the toilet and floor drain. Schilb explained that he does not have a sump pump.
Albrecht suggested that the Village request a second bulk pick up day for residents in July, as many have furniture to put out. Clerk Waege will contact John’s Disposal.
DPW Director Todd encouraged residents to contact him at 608-751-4785 if they have any more problems.
Jeanne Tomlin of 308 Olson Drive was present regarding the condition of the property at 306 Olson Drive. Tomlin explained that the property was condemned and has a lot of overgrowth. Tomlin explained that she has always taken care of the overgrowth of trees and weeds that borders her property; however, it is more than she can do now. Chief Burdick explained that he spoke with Tomlin last week and contacted the property owner. Chief Burdick explained that the Property owner has someone that mows the property. Chief Burdick further explained that he will reach out to the property owner again to let her know that the overgrowth needs to be taken care of. Chief Burdick added that the property may be able to be deemed a nuisance which would allow for the village to abate the nuisances. Clerk Wage explained that they had Tim Keinbaum look at the property a few years ago, it was not condemned, however there were several items that were listed as having to be fixed, which was done. Attorney Davis explained that there are state laws in place that can declare a house unfit for human habitation; and that the building inspector may have to get involved again. Chief Burdick will reach out to the property owner.
Liquor Licenses. Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to approve the following licenses to expire June 30, 2025: Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage and “Class A Intoxicating Liquor License” to The Station Orfordville LLC, Rupesh Karki, Agent of 222 N. Franklin Street, Janesville Wisconsin for premises located at 616 W. Beloit Street. Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage and “Class A Intoxicating Liquor License” to Dollgen Corp LLC, Lori Boers Agent, of 513 W. Beloit Street, Orfordville, Wisconsin for premises located at 507 N. Main Street, Orfordville, Wisconsin. Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and “Class B Intoxicating Liquor License” to Bricks & Stones LLC, Brooklyn Weeks of 4122 S. Dickey Road, Orfordville, Wisconsin for premises located at 214 Viking Drive, Orfordville, Wisconsin. Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and “Class B Intoxicating Liquor License to The Stables Bar & Grill, Lori Mueller of 3138 S. Tollefson Road, Orfordville, Wisconsin for premises located at 717 Genesis Drive, Orfordville, Wisconsin. Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and “Class B Intoxicating Liquor” License to Knutes Bar & Grill, Kerry Knutson of 417 W. Centre Street, Footville, Wisconsin for premises located at 206 E. Beloit Street, Orfordville, Wisconsin. Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and “Class B Intoxicating Liquor License” to Taqueria Guzman, Richard Salgado 925 Hackett Street Beloit, Wisconsin for premises located at 100 E. Spring Street, Orfordville, Wisconsin. Motion carried.
Operator Licenses. Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Tuffree to approve the following Operator Licenses to expire June 30, 2025: Alizabeth Akkerman, Abigail Betker, Rhonda Bowers, Joseph Collins, Carter Dieckhoff, Lori Francis, Sandra Giddley, Sayge Haskins, Abby Huffman, Alexia Karl, Clifford Lesniak, Brianna McBroom, Heidi Melton, Courtney Mielke, Dawn Muenchow, Beth Nalan, Jacob Nelson, Nathan Olsen, Addison Olson, Kelly Phillips, Karl Sarbacher, Erin Turner, Morgan Turner, and Travis Wendelschafer . Motion carried.
Amending the Fee Schedule. Tuffree explained that the recent mowing work done by the DPW Department prompted her to look into our mowing fees. Tuffree explained that the Village spent seven hours mowing and cleaning up the Amerigas property. Discussion held on a minimum charge plus an hourly fee. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to amend the Fee Schedule for all property maintenance work performed by the Public Works Department to have a minimum fee of $200.00 with an additional hourly rate of $100.00 to be charged for work commenced by the Public Works Department. Motion carried.
Resolution R-2024-06 CMAR Report. DPW Director Todd explained that Compliance Maintenance Annual Report for the wastewater treatment plant for 2023. Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Morris to adopt Resolution R-2024-06 adopting the 2023 CMAR report. Motion carried.
Tree Maintenance in the Terrace Areas. DPW Director Todd explained that the ordinances are conflicting as to who is responsible for tree removal in the terrace area. Attorney Davis would like additional time to review the ordinances. Motion by Morris, seconded by Tuffree to table to the July 22, 2024 meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Gerber to approve the May 2024 Treasurer Report. Motion carried.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to approve the vouchers with a check range of 37207-37234. Motion carried.
President Burtness explained the following:
“ We have had quite the weekend with all the rain on top of the recent rainfalls we have experienced. It gave us the opportunity to see just how great our residents are that pull together in tough times to help each other out. The Public Works Department went above and beyond to help mitigate the problem. They contacted the village engineer for help and were able to get 3 people from the Village of Oregon along with a large pump to help with the excess water in our system. The guys that came had already spent overnight hours clearing trees from the streets in their village as they had more wind than rain. Brodhead and Footville both provided pumps for our use as well with no charge to the village. It is great to see how municipalities help each other out in a crisis. We very much appreciate these guys as well as all the residents who were out helping each other through a difficult time. I know there will be much cleanup and rebuilding for many of us in the days ahead, but we will get through this. I am thankful as no one was injured.”
The following is from the email sent out by Sherri this afternoon after the meeting held earlier in the day with Rock Count Emergency Management and would like to include it as part of the board minutes for the record.
“Good evening. Chief Ryan Perkins is in contact with Rock County Emergency Management in regard to the flooding problems that residents and business owners in the Village had as a result of the rain event on June 22nd. Please reach out to Chief Perkins at the Fire Department at 608-879-2122 if you need to report damage to your home.”
From Chief Perkins
UPDATE 6-24 1515 hours:
Emergency Management has been notified of the flooding issues. Currently we will hold off on most damage assessments until Wednesday. Tuesday Chief Perkins will be assessing some homes with major damage. Wednesday and Thursday crews will begin going door to door to assess and record all damage. Tonight there is a strong likelihood of us seeing 2 ish inches of rain. Emergency Management is providing pumps to DPW to hopefully prevent any issues tonight but there is still potential for localized flooding. We will do our best to gather as much data as possible to submit on your behalf for possible damage funds. Please be safe while cleaning and throughout tonight-Fire Chief Ryan Perkins
Motion by Morris, seconded by Gerber to adjourn at 8:18 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Dennis Burtness
Village President
Sherri Waege
Village Clerk