Regular Board Meeting
Monday, August 22, 2022 7:00 P.M.
Orfordville Village Hall
Main Board Room
President Dennis Burtness called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were President Burtness, Chuck Boyce, Beth Schmidt, Nikki Tuffree, Terry Gerber, and Jason Knox. Also present were Attorney Michael Oellerich, Don Bomkamp, Darla Grenawalt, Nick & Jenifer Howard, Jeff Klett, Deputy Fire Chief Ryan Perkins, Chief Jeremiah Burdick, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege. Absent was Cami Myers-Alstat.
Clerk Waege verified that on August 19, 2022, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, Bank of Brodhead, and Orfordville Post Office. There were no additions made to the agenda.
Candidate Jeff Klett was present to introduce himself to the Village Board. Klett is running for Assembly in the 45th District. President Burtness thanked Klett for attending.
Resolution R-2022-03 to approve Referendum Questions for the November Ballot regarding Fire Department funding. Ryan Perkins was present on behalf of the Orfordville Fire Department. Perkins explained that the Fire Department would like to hire six full time personnel to cover the EMS. Perkins explained that we currently have six volunteers covering the shifts. Coverage is up; however, the six volunteers are working a lot of overtime.
Don Bomkamp, Chairman for the Town of Plymouth, was present. Bomkamp thanked President Burtness for allowing a non resident of the Village to speak at the meeting. Bomkamp added that he wanted to address the rumor that the fire department is closing. Bomkamp explained that the fire department is not closing, that has never been discussed by the Fire Commission. Bomkamp explained that the staffing shortage has been a problem since before he was elected. Bomkamp explained that he wants a performance commitment before approval. Bomkamp further explained that he feels that this referendum is being rushed and that all five municipalities in the district have to pass it.
Bomkamp explained that the contract for the Fire District prohibits the budget from going over $999,999.00. Bomkamp explained that the Towns of Avon and Spring Valley only have half of their municipality in the district. Bomkamp explained that he would like to split the Town of Plymouth in half so that half would remain in the Orfordville Fire District and the other half in Footville, due to their proximity to Footville.
Bomkamp explained that the Fire Commission gave raises to the volunteers in May, as a result open shifts were reduced by 70%. Tuffree explained that there still are only six people covering the shifts and that having six people is not sustainable.
Bomkamp suggested that the board wait until April to work out the fine details. Bomkamp added that he did scheduling in law enforcement for fifteen years, so he knows how scheduling can change.
Schmidt explained that this is the third time that she has heard this argument from Bomkamp. Schmidt asked Bomkamp what his solution was. Bomkamp explained that he knows we have to do something and suggested that we work with Janesville to have them provide the employees. Bomkamp further suggested that we hire three full time people now and increase the wages for part time.
Tuffree explained that waiting until April creates a long-term problem. Tuffree explained that she has attended the meetings and the volunteers are burned out from the extra shifts. Tuffree further added that delaying the referendum until April would mean that the money, if approved, would not be available until 2024 which will not provide the coverage needed in 2023.
Bomkamp explained that he can guarantee that the people in his town will not want this and he will make sure that it does not pass.
Boyce explained that the workforce is hurting everywhere and that this is a Nationwide problem. Boyce further explained that this is an issue that can be fixed. Boyce added that having our own department is a huge benefit when you have a school district in your community.
Darla Grenawalt of 610 E. Church Street was present and explained that she appreciates Bomkamp’s side of the story as she wants to hear all sides. Grenawalt further explained that she has attended three meetings. Grenawalt asked if the budget limit in the contract can be changed. Attorney Oellerich explained that it can be changed with a unanimous vote of the Fire Commission. Bomkamp stated that he will not agree to anything unless he can take half of his Town to Footville.
Attorney Oellerich explained that tonight’s meeting is about the referendum. Attorney Oellerich further explained that a decision has to be made either way as the deadline is here to get the referendum on the November ballot. Attorney Oellerich further explained that the timing issue is only for Orfordville as they have to take it to Referendum, where the Towns do not.
Attorney Oellerich explained that the Fire Chief has to present his budget for approval at the September Fire Commission meeting. The Fire Commission needs to know a direction when considering the budget.
President Burtness thanked Bomkamp for his comments. President Burtness explained that Orfordville has always been blessed with a great volunteer fire department. President Burtness added that times are different and volunteers are down. President Burtness further explained that we are already behind two years in doing this, and need to set the pace. President Burtness explained that the goal moving forward is to join neighboring departments and creating a bigger district with more people.
President Burtness added that coverage is better as the volunteers are pulling extra shifts and working overtime which leads to burnout for the volunteers. President Burtness added that waiting until April will cause a delay in staffing.
Motion by Gerber to adopt Resolution R-2022-03 to approve the Referendum questions to approve additional funding for the Fire Department to hire more people. Motion died for a lack of a second.
Bomkamp explained that if the referendum passes, all the towns have to vote on it. Bomkamp added that if we approve it and the towns do not we are stuck with what we approved. Attorney Oellerich explained that we are not committed to the dollar amount and can approve less.
Deputy Chief Perkins explained that this is not only an Orfordville issue, it is a nationwide problem. Deputy Chief Perkins further explained that the goal of the state would be to regionalize departments.
Deputy Chief Perkins explained that Bomkamp has asked for a performance measure before he can agree. Deputy Chief Perkins further explained that you cannot do that with part time volunteers, if full time people are hired you can as part of their employment agreement.
Deputy Chief Perkins explained that they are really struggling to get the three required people on an engine as required. Deputy Chief Perkins added that we can “what if and doomsday this all day long which is not fixing the issue.”
Deputy Chief Perkins explained a couple of schedule options if we can hire the full time people. Bomkamp replied that he felt “it was a good schedule, but we will have to plan on hiring extra people as Janesville and Beloit will want them.”
Attorney Oellerich explained that if the referendum does not pass in Orfordville, the Towns do not have to do anything. Attorney Oellerich again explained that we do not have to levy all of it if it is not needed.
Boyce explained that he does not understand why the Town of Plymouth would not want this. Bomkamp explained that he is for it but has too many unanswered questions. Bomkamp further added that the Town of Plymouth cannot afford it.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Boyce to adopt Resolution R-2022-03 to proceed with the following referendum question on the November 8, 2022 ballot: “ under state law, the increase in the levy of the Village of Orfordville for the tax to be imposed for the next fiscal year, 2023, is limited to 5.1%, which results in a levy of $483,720.65. Shall the Village of Orfordville be allowed to exceed this limit and increase the levy for the next fiscal year, 2023, for the purpose of paying it’s share of expenses to the Orfordville Fire Protection District so the Orfordville Fire Protection District may hire 6 full time employees, by a total of 34.44%, which results in a levy of $650,319.65, and on an ongoing basis, include the increase of $166,599.65 for each fiscal year going forward?”. Roll Call Vote-Boyce, Schmidt, Tuffree, Gerber, Knox, and President Burtness-all YES. Motion carried.
Recreation Committee. Tuffree explained that she would like to form a committee to oversee events such as the Movies in the Park. Tuffree explained that there are a lot of fun things going on, and having a committee will alleviate some of the burden from the people that are taking care of events now on their own. Attorney Oellerich suggested a sub committee of the Economic Development Committee. Schmidt explained that the Economic Development Committee oversees the Music in the Park. Schmidt further explained that the Economic Development Committee also does radio advertising for events in the Village. Schmidt requested that the committee be made up of both residents and non residents. Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to authorize Nikki Tuffree and Attorney Oellerich to develop a sub-committee of the Economic Development Committee for recreation. Motion carried.
Motion by Tuffree, seconded by Schmidt to approve the July Treasurer Report. Motion carried.
Motion by Knox, seconded by Boyce to approve the vouchers for $42,129.46 with a check range of 34738-34781. Motion carried.
President Burtness updated on the following:
· Congratulations were given to Chief Burdick on the birth of his daughter.
· The Verizon Tower will not be live until the end of the year.
· Frontier has not moved their pole on the N. Center Street/E. Church Street corner, which is the delay in completing the project. The attorneys will be reaching out to Frontier.
· Cami Myers-Alstat represented the Village of Orfordville in Brookfield at the WI League of Municipalities Chief Executive Workshop. Thank you to Cami for representing our community so well.
· Team Rubicon will be assisting the Lions Club with the walking trail this weekend. Team Rubicon will be trimming trees and clearing the walking path beginning at 7:30 a.m. Team Rubicon will be providing this service at no cost to the Village as they are using it for training for Sawyers. Team Rubicon will bring their own equipment. President Burtness encouraged residents to attend to help and to consider donating your time even if it is a short amount of time.
· Market Days went very well last Saturday. Fewer vendors showed up, the ones that did sold out!
· Please check the Village Calendar on www.Orfordville.org for more events in the Village. You can also email the Village to have your event included on the event calendar.
· Thank you to A Cut Above and The Sassy Farm Chicks for sponsoring the Music in the Park.
· Thank you to the following businesses who have sponsored Movies in the Park: Next Generation Construction, Molly’s Creations, A Cut Above, Nowlan Law LLC, Town & Country Engineering, K’s Outback, Bank of Brodhead, Stables Bar & Grill, Knutes, and the Lions Club.
· The Orfordville Library had their Smokey the Bear Campfire night last Friday.
· Keep checking the calendar for more events!
Clerk Waege mentioned that she and Pat Burtness worked at the Recall Election on Saturday. Orfordville was counted with no changes and complimented on their paperwork. Clerk Waege thanked the Orfordville Election Workers for their attention to detail and a gave a special thank you to Pat Burtness, the Chief Election Inspector for the Village.
Motion by Knox, seconded by Tuffree to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Motion carried.
Submitted by,
Dennis Burtness
Village President
Sherri Waege
Village Clerk