8.23.21 Regular Board Meeting


Regular Board Meeting

Monday, August 23, 2021  7:00 P.M.

Orfordville Village Hall

Main Board Room



                President Gary Philips called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Present were President Phillips, Tina Suiter-Meyers, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers, Terry Gerber, Nikki Tuffree, and Jason Knox. Also present were DPW Director Nick Todd and Clerk Sherri Waege.


                Clerk Waege verified that on August 20, 2021, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, and the Orfordville Post Office. There were no additions made to the agenda.


                Schmidt explained that the Village received a $250,000.00 grant from Wisconsin Economic Development for Jason Nehls new building downtown.  Schmidt thanked Clerk Waege for her work on the grant.    Schmidt also explained that there are three events happening in the Village on September 11th.  Taqueria Guzman will be having a family event for their Independence Day from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.   There will also be another Market Day across from the Village Hall.   The Sassy Farm Chicks will also have their annual Airing of the Quilts on that day.  


                President Phillips explained that he is working with someone that is interested in a lot in the Business Park.   President Phillips has met with the interested party on site.   President Phillips has been meeting with Verizon who is interested in putting a cell tower up by the water tower.   Verizon may have a proposal ready for the board in September.   President Philips explained that the Block Party on Saturday was very successful and thanked Tuffree for her work on the event.  President Phillips added that they will be meeting to make some changes for next year.




                Operator License.  Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Gerber to grant an Operator License to expire June 30, 2022 to Nathan Olsen.  Motion carried.

                Amend Stop Sign Ordinance 304-13.  Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to amend Ordinance 304-13 to add stop signs in the following locations:  The intersection of Olson Drive and Gifford Street- two signs on Olson Drive on the Southwest and Northeast side on the street which will make it a three way stop, the intersection of Mill Valley Lane and County Highway K on the Southwest side on Mill Valley Lane,  the intersection of Teri Lee Lane and Olson Drive on the Northwest side on Teri Lee Lane, and at the intersection of Mill Valley Lane and Teri Lee Lane on the Northeast side on Mill Valley Lane.  Motion carried.

                Approve the Certified Survey Map to combine the Village owned lots at 216 W. Beloit Street.  President Phillips explained that the Village owns three lots at 216 W. Beloit Street.  President Phillips explained that this CSM is to combine the three lots into one larger buildable lot.  Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to approve the Certified Survey Map to combine the Lots at 216 W. Beloit Street.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to approve the June and July Treasurer Reports.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Knox, seconded by Schmidt to approve the Vouchers for $755,284.45, check numbers 31511-33548. Motion carried.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to adjourn at 7:22 p.m.  Motion carried.




                                                                                                                                Submitted by


                                                                                                                                Gary Phillips

                                                                                                                                Village President


                                                                                                                                Sherri Waege

                                                                                                                                Village Clerk


Sherri Waege