9.27.21 Regular Board Meeting


Regular Board Meeting

Monday, September 27, 2021  7:00 P.M.

Orfordville Village Hall

Main Board Room



                President Gary Phillips called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Present were President Phillips, Tina Suiter-Meyers, Beth Schmidt, Cami Myers-Alstat, Terry Gerber, Nikki Tuffree, and Jason Knox.  Also present were Jeb McMahon, Carl and Marisa Voelkel, Attorney Michael Oellerich, Chief Brian Raupp, DPW Director Nick Todd, and Clerk Sherri Waege.


                Clerk Waege verified that on September 24, 2021, copies of the agenda were delivered to the President and Trustees; and posted at the Village Hall, Library, and the Orfordville Post Office.  There were no additions made to the agenda.




                President Phillips explained that a fifth home in Mill Valley subdivision has sold.  There is one completed spec for sale and four more being built.  President Phillips further explained that the street repaving projects are now going to take place in October. President Phillips added that he and DPW Director Todd and the engineer met about the street replacement projects for 2022.  Bids for street replacement for N. Center Street and S. Richards Street will be published in November.




                Planning Commission recommendation to allow a home on a nonconforming lot for MicMahon Properties.   President Phillips explained that Jeb McMahon purchased 406 W. Brodhead Street which had a vacant lot on the rear of the property.  The vacant lot is known as PT SW ¼ Sater’s Addition, Lot 3 and is 66 feet wide which used to be the standard width for a lot.  Current width required is 75 feet, so the lot is considered non-conforming. McMahon has an interested buyer for the lot if it is allowed to be buildable.   Motion by Knox, seconded by Gerber to allow PT SW ¼ Sater’s Addition, Lot 3 be a buildable lot at 66 feet wide.   Motion carried.

                Operator Licenses.   Chief Raupp was present to explain the background checks.   Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to grant an Operator License to expire June 30, 2022 to Karl Sarbacker.  Motion carried.  Chief Raupp explained that there the Village has a resolution regarding alcohol violations and that Kelsey Shortridge had a violation in 2020.  The Resolution prohibits granting a license until after a year after the date of the violation.  Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to deny the Operator License application for Kelsey Shortridge.  Motion carried. Clerk Waege will send a letter of explanation.

                Joint Powers Agreement.  Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Knox to approve the annual Joint Powers Agreement with Rock County Communications for 911 service for 2022.  Motion carried.

                Commercial use at the yard waste site.    President Phillips explained that Carl & Marisa Voelkel were present to discuss purchasing the lot.  President Phillips explained that he felt that the lot should be sold for $1.00, like the lots in the business park.  President Phillips further explained that the lot is in the TIF District but not part of the restrictive covenants.   President Phillips added that he received the letter from the Village Engineer that indicates that the land is not needed for future expansion for the wastewater treatment plant.    The Voelkels are interested in building storage units and a commercial building ( to be built after the storage sheds) at the site.  The Voelkels need to have soil boring samples taken and want to make sure that the Village Board wants to sell the lot before they spend the money. Carl Voelkel explained that they would like to build the storage sheds first along Highway 11.   Carl Voelkel explained that they would like to use the rental income from the storage units to pay for the commercial building of approximately 15,000 feet.  Marisa Voelkel explained that the bank will finance the commercial building , if they secure a tenant first.   Voelkel explained that she reviewed the Village survey for future commercial growth and a medical facility was one of the top requests.   Maris Voelkel explained that she has contacted a health care provider that may be interested. 

                President Phillips explained that the yard waste site that used to be at the wastewater treatment plant was only for brush and leaves.  President Phillips further explained that the yard waste site was expanded to the current location and now has gravel, dirt, and street sweeper sweepings.   President Phillips explained that the rock, dirt, and street sweeper sweepings can go to the village garage and that the leaves and brush can go next to the shed behind the Village Hall.  President Philips explained that the materials cannot be burned in the Village, and that ideally he would like the Village to purchase an acre of land outside of town so the materials could be burned.  This would save the Village money as we pay $2,500.00 a year to have the brush chipped.

                Knox explained that he would rather see the building plans flipped so that the commercial site is more visible from Highway 11.    Carl Voelkel explained that the soil is different at the rear of the lot and may not work with the weight of a 15,000 square foot building.  President Phillips added that the Wisconsin DNR may also require a drainage pond in that area.

                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Tuffree to proceed with Carl & Marisa Voelkel regarding selling the lot and to give their contractor permission to do the soil boring tests on the lot. Motion carried.

                Residential Access to Board Meetings using Zoom.    Clerk Waege explained that this was on the agenda as Jason Knox asked about it at the last meeting.  Clerk Wage explained that the annual subscription expires on October 30th and cost $600.00 a year.    Clerk Waege explained that she has not had any residents call to request access to meetings via Zoom.   Myers-Alstat  said she didn’t feel the need to spend the money if there is no interest.  Suiter-Meyers explained that the school board offers Zoom access and there are not many people that use it.   The ordinance was reviewed that allows for Zoom access for emergencies and pandemics.    Suiter-Meyers explained that the Village can always sign up for the service if it starts getting requested.  Motion by Myers-Alstat, seconded by Sutier-Meyers to discontinue the Zoom subscription due to lack of interest.   Motion carried.

                Agreement with Verizon regarding a cellular tower at the Water tower.    Attorney Oellerich reviewed the agreement and had two changes.  Attorney Oellerich recommends the last part of section two regarding permission for future land use at the location be removed and added language section thirteen regarding removal of equipment if site is no longer used.  Attorney Oellerich will send the revised contract to Verizon for their review.  No action was taken.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Schmidt to approve the August Treasurer Report.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Gerber to approve the vouchers for $27,023.40 with a check range of 33570-33653.  Motion carried.


                Motion by Gerber, seconded by Knox to adjourn at 8:37 p.m.   Motion carried.



                                                                                                                                                Submitted by,


                                                                                                                                                Gary Phillips

                                                                                                                                                Village President


                                                                                                                                                Sherri Waege

                                                                                                                                                Village Clerk






Sherri Waege